SILAS LAY ON HIS side. He'd managed to get the bag half off his head so he could see something of their surroundings. Not that he got much of an impression for where they were going from the cityscape he could see. If they were going to get away, he needed to know where they'd be going to.
It took real effort to keep his eyes up and not look at the slumped forms of Ekko and Chayan across from him. From what he could tell she was out cold. Not so much as a whimper came out of her and she wasn't the kind of woman to curl up and do nothing. Chayan was very much awake. He half sat, his body huddled around her though his hands were bound. That surprised Silas. Given how the man had all but crumpled the last few days he hadn't expected Chayan to get protective. Then again, Chayan had lost everyone that mattered to him. All that was left was Ekko.