Disclaimer: I own nothing. This fanfic is purely for enjoyment.
This is a fanfiction, so the familiar characters you see belong to their respected authors and owners.
—Line Breaker—
Volume 1 - Chapter 12: First day at Beacon Academy (3)
Sora arrived in front of his dorm's door as he ran from Hesphaetus's forge. He knocked on the door as he wanted to see if his teammates woke up.
He heard nothing inside the dorm. He took out his scroll as he saw 7:00 am on it. Sora knocked on the door again. He waited a bit as he heard footsteps coming toward the door.
Sora took a step back as he waited for someone to open the door. The figure of his team leader, Jean, greeted him. Sora greeted her back as he went inside. Sora looked around as he didn't see Tifa or Atalanta in the common area.
Sora asked about them to Jean. She replied that they were preparing themselves inside the bedroom. Sora talked to Jean to pass time. He didn't know how long it would take them.
More over, Sora wanted to know about Klee's where about and well being. Jean was more than happy to talk with Sora. They walked toward the couch as they sat on it and continued their conversation.
They talked and laughed for over 20 minutes before the rest of his teammates came into the common area. Sora welcomed Tifa and Atalanta as they greeted Sora back.
They left the dorm as they went toward the cafeteria. It will open soon and the team didn't want to wait inside a big line. It didn't take long for them to arrive in the cafeteria.
They were the first to arrive as Sora and his team went for their food. Sora took his breakfast and went to a table. His friends joined later as they took their seat near him. Sora was eating silently as Tifa was talking with Jean. Tifa spun her head toward Sora as she asked him something.
"Hey where did you go earlier, Sora? I didn't see you in the dorm when I woke up," asked Tifa as she took a bite of her egg.
Jean and Atalanta were also curious as they also turned their head. Sora stopped mid-bite as he put his spoon back on the plate.
He took a nearby napkin and cleaned his mouth. Sora turned his head to his friends.
"I went in the student lounge for a cup of coffee than left for the school forge." said Sora as he went back to his food.
"Oh, did you meet someone or found something fun?" said Jean as she got curious about Sora's brief trip.
"I found a second-year student named Gran at the forge and I also met the teacher responsible for the forge." said Sora thoughtfully as he tried to remember his morning trip.
"OH! an upperclassman, how was he?" asked Tifa, as she didn't expect Sora to interact with someone else.
"... He was fine, and he is the leader of his team and we became acquainted," said Sora as he continued to eat. Jean followed the conversation with her own question.
"So you met Hesphaetus Vulcan, Sora? I heard that she is the best blacksmith in Remnant."
"So how was she?" said Jean, as she was interested by this popular blacksmith.
"Hmm? She was... intense? I guess." said Sora as he frowned his face thinking about his encounter with Hesphaetus. They continued to talk about diverse subject until Atalanta interruption. Sora, Jean and Tifa looked at the silent Atalanta with puzzlement.
She took out the scroll and showed them that it was 8:15 am.
"""Ah""" said Sora, Jean and Tifa as they stood up from their seat with their tray as they left the cafeteria, not before cleaning and leaving the tray at the cleaning spot. Atalanta followed them right behind.
Team JSTA arrived at their first class of the day. Their first class was with Peter Port. He is teaching them Grimm Studies. They were early, about 5 minutes before it start.
They took a seat in the middle as they waited for the professor. The class got filled up slowly as many students arrived.
Peter Port arrived in the classroom exactly at 8:30 am. He walked in the front with his stuffs as he took a seat on his desk. He uncapped his coffee bottle as he took a sip.
Peter appears to be a man of early old age. He wears a double-breasted burgundy suit with gold piping and buttons. His pants he wears tucked into olive boots, similar in appearance and construction to cavalry boots.
He has gray hair and a gray mustache and is a fat man. His build is like an apple shape, where he is chubbier on his top half, with a bit of a belly.
Every one was looking at him and waiting for him to start. Peter Port cleared his throat as he started his presentation.
"Hello everyone, I am Peter Port, your teacher for Grimms Studies and Military strategy at Beacon." said Peter as he paused his speech for a second and looked at everyone in the classroom.
"We won't start deep in the first of your Grimms Studies, as I want to introduce about this year's curriculum. After that I will briefly go into the Grimms Studies and end with a little surprise."
"Is everyone okay with today's plan?" asked Peter Port as he took a sip of his coffee as he ended his speech.
The students in the classroom didn't respond, as some students were blankly staring at their teacher and some were nodding at him.
"No objection? Perfect than let's start." said Peter has clapped his hands and started his class. For the next one hour, the teacher explained about his class and ended it with his story.
Sora was expecting a little from this class but ended getting disappointed by the constant rumbling. Sora looked nearby to see his team current status. The result did not disappoint him.
As expected, Jean was taking her note seriously. Tifa was half listening and half on her scroll and Atalanta was blankly staring at their teacher. Atalanta was clearly outside minded. He couldn't blame Tifa and Atalanta.
It was boring to listen to an old man talking about the old days. His story was clearly exaggerated with some interesting facts about Grimms or his strategy in between. Sora hoped it won't be this way in their four years at Beacon Academy.
Peter Port finally stopped talking after his one hour long stories. He looked at the time on his watch as he cleared his throat, gaining everyone's attention on him.
The students woke up from their states as they looked at him. Peter Port nodded happily at the success of his action as talked about something.
"Your first class is almost done and, like I said at the start of the class. I have a surprise for everyone." said Peter as they captured every student's attention even more. They were really curious about this "surprise".
Peter laughed as he went toward the door behind him. Everyone whispered to each other. They were guessing about their professor's strange action.
"Hey what do you think the surprise would be?" whispered Tifa to the group. Jean shook her head, as she didn't know. Atalanta blinked her eyes as she looked at Tifa. Tifa turned her gaze to Sora as he gave her a blank look.
"I don't know a Grimm? He looks like that kind of guy." said Sora with a tired expression.
"Don't be ridiculous Sora, there is no way he would bring a Grimm even if I understand what you mean." said Tifa as she crossed her arms in denial.
Sora simply shrugged at Tifa as he looked back in the front. He and everyone heard a growl and footsteps coming toward the open door. Team JSTA looked at each other in surprise.
"... There is actually no way." said Tifa as she was agape from this plausible scenario. Jean responded her amazement by putting a hand on her forehead. Atalanta became a little excited.
Sora continued his sketching like he did during this entire class. He also gained 2% of progress by this quick brief sketch..
[Current progress]: 61% → 63%]
This little progress satisfied him. Sora came back from his mind as Peter Port didn't deceive him as he brought back a Grimm inside a cage in the classroom.
He brought a Boarbatusk inside the school. What a madman. Peter Port saw everyone in shock and confusion.
He chuckled at his students as he explained his little gift.
"Are you guys surprised? We study Grimms!"
"Of course we would need a subject for this course!"
"Is there any courageous spirit here that can show us how to kill this Boarbatusk?"
"I will give this person points in their grade!" said Peter as many students got interested in this offer.
Many students raised their hands for this chance. Team JSTA looked at each other as only Jean raised her hand. The other three didn't really want to fight now or couldn't care less.
Peter was thrilled by seeing so many people raising their hand. He looked at every student who raised their hand and picked Jean. He asked her to prepare herself and enter the arena.
Jean left her seat as her friends cheered for her. Well, mostly Tifa, as Sora and Atalanta clapped their hands in support. They weren't the most expressive, but their encouragement warmed her heart.
They knew it wouldn't take long for Jean to kill this beast as they knew her strength. Jean arrived inside the arena amidst the cheering from her fellow students and mostly from the males.
Jean is a beautiful woman, so it isn't surprising that she would attract the attention of many boys. She prepared herself as Peter prepared the open the gate of the enraged Grimm. The beast was very upset by getting captured by this old guy. It hurt its pride as a dark and dangerous beast.
"Are you ready, Jean?" asked Peter Port as he prepared himself to open the gate.
"Yes, professor." replied Jean as she readied her fighting stance.
"Well, then... GO!" shouted Peter as he opened the cage. The Boarbatusk dashed madly toward Jean with hatred. Jean prepared herself as a green aura came out of her body.
"Ah, so she is ready to end it soon." said Sora as he understood Jean's plan.
The beast arrived in front of Jean as he prepared to slam into her. But Jean easily counterattacks with her with a gale sword.
Focusing the might of the formless wind around her blade, Jean releases a miniature storm toward the Grimm. At the cost of her stamina consumption, Jean commanded the whirlwind to pull the beast towards her front.
It completely stopped the Boarbatusk momentum as it helplessly stuck in the air. Jean released the beast into the air as the miniature storm that launched the beast dealt a lot of damage.
The beast growled in pain as it fly weakly in the air. Jean prepared to continue her attack as the beast fell toward her. Jean performs 5 consecutive strikes on the beast's belly and ended its life.
The beast left the arena with an unwilling cry. Jean sheathed her sword as she prepared to leave the arena. The classroom got silence for a minute before exploding with applause and cheering.
Their professor was also applauding at Jean's success.
"Bravo, bravo, miss Jean, that was absolutely beautiful." said Peter as he tapped Jean's shoulder showing his cheerful mood. Jean nodded at her professor and joined her team.
"Miss Jean did an absolutely great job by killing this beast with its weakness being the belly."
"The belly is the only place where the Boarbatusk has no armor to protect himself from attack." said Peter as he continued with his analyze until the bell rang announcing its end.
[Words: 1973]
[Author's note]
So this was supposed to be tomorrow's chapter, but I would be busy tomorrow, so I wrote it now and posted it today. So there won't be any chapter tomorrow.
See you guys on Tuesday in the next chapter and thank you for the continuous support of everyone !