Chapter 25: Cooperation is real!

Disclaimer: I own nothing. This fanfic is purely for enjoyment.

This is fanfiction, so the familiar characters you see belong to their respected authors and owners.



—Line Breaker—


Volume 1 - Chapter 25: Cooperation is real!


Jean arrived at the frontline, and she got immediately surrounded by the pack of Beowolf. She wasn't intimidated by the number as she bravely charged forward with her sword pointed toward the monsters.

Her sharp sword shone brightly in anemo aura. She slid under a Grimm that plunged toward her. She didn't leave the beast alone as she launched the beast using the power of the wind in the air.

She quickly stood up from the ground as she was greeted by a combined assault of the four remaining Grimms that came along.

Jean dodged them as she rolled to her left and evaded the plunges from the beowolf. She ran away from them, and the Grimms didn't think twice as they quickly chased after her in anger.

Jean didn't let the angry growl behind her affect her mentality as she baited even more Grimms to her. The plan was simple, she needed to attract their hatred, and Sora would kill them in one swoop.

She ran as if her life depended and dodged every attempt of attack from the furious Grimms seeing as their attack couldn't kill a weak human.

Jean wasn't unscathed either, as she suffered many wounds during the chase. She gritted her teeth and endured the pain as she continued to run and attract more Grimms.

She knew it was reckless, but it had to be done if they wanted to leave it safe. Jean didn't want her seniors to interfere in this fight; even more, Glynda, a family member she looked up to.

This is a fight that team JSTA picked, and they will be the ones to end it! This is the team's own belief. Jean continued to run as she picked up Sora's voice from behind. "Jean! That's enough! Don't push yourself too much! You have attracted enough Grimms on you, and now it's my turn!"

She could hear the worry in Sora's voice as she felt a little ashamed to worry her friend and partner, but she became more resolute as her face hardened. Jean listened to Sora's voice as she brought waves of Grimms back.

'Sora must be ready to unleash his big killer move since he yelled at me,' thought Jean.

She darted her eyes at them as she quickly made her decision. She will unleash a powerful attack that will end this face round of Grimms.

She exhaled and closed her eyes as she brought her sword closer to her chest with two hands on the hilt. A tremendous amount of aura concentrated on the blade of her sword.

"Dandelion Breeze." Whispered Jean as she unleashed her unique technique.

The wind's protection surrounds the blade upon her calling as Jean creates a swirling of Dandelion Field, launching the surrounding Grimms into the air.

The numerous Grimms that were previously going to tear Jean apart we're launched into the air by Jean's dandelion breeze.

Jean dropped to the ground on one knee as she supported herself with her trusted weapon. She looked into the air as she discovered Sora's figure.

"It's your turn now, Sora." Gently whispered Jean with a blooming smile.


"Leave it to me, Jean," said Sora as he stood on a flower made by his semblance in the air while waiting for the Grimms to come into his range of attack.

"Perfect, those filthy Grimms are finally here."

Sora jumped off of the platform as he concentrated on unleashing his burst.

'Tectonic Tide…'

Under Sora's command, the geo crystal surged and burst forth, dealing massive damage in front of him. Numerous Grimms died instantly under the assault of Sora's technique, and Sora's attack continued for the next few minutes as the Grimms finally died tragically under Sora and Jean's cooperation.

Sora fell from the air as he calmly used the new glider he had received not long ago. Sora glided around and looked underneath him. He finally spotted Jean from a high altitude as he slowly descended from the air.

He descended beside the surprised Jean as she didn't know when Sora had a glider. "I never knew you had gliders before, Sora. Are they new?" asked Jean with curiosity. She was interested in them and thought about getting one after this mission.

"Yes, I made them myself before this mission, and I could make another one if you are interested." Lied Sora with a smile on his face. He was partially lying to Jean in this regard. It was true that he received it from the system, but he could make another easily.

Moreover, he could also collaborate with professor Hephaestus and senior Tsubaki and sell them for money. Sora is confident they could sell very well for many Huntsman or people passionate about an extreme sport.

Alchemy costs much of his money… so Sora might consider this plan after that. Anyway, he could think about this later as he has something more concerning now.

"I would love to, Sora! Thank you," said Jean with a smile, as she didn't expect her friend to be the one who made them.

Sora looked at Jean's pitiful state with worry. Jean's clothing was a little damaged from the fight, and she had many minor wounds.

How is your situation now, Jean?" asked Sora gently as he took out an experimental healing potion from his pouch.

He could fully reproduce the same one from Teyvat as some ingredients were not available in Remnant. Sora needed more experiments to produce the same potion from Albedo's memory.

The potion Sora made was barely 55% less effective than the one from his mind. Fortunately, the potion should be enough for Jean's current state.

Jean was confused by the mysterious blue liquid in a vial that Sora gave her. "…What is that, Sora?" asked Jean doubtfully.

"This is a healing potion that I made before we left Beacon. Unfortunately, their performance is not as good as I would hope, but they should be more than enough to help you recover from your injuries.

Jean was surprised as her mouth opened wide open from shock. "This is incredible, Sora! There isn't anything like that in Remnant! You created a miracle!"

"I hope you can keep it secret until I perfect it."

"Of course! I wouldn't reveal it even if you didn't ask me," said Jean with a smile as she drank the healing potion from her hand.

"Wow! I feel so much better now… Sora, your potion is very effective!" said Jean as she sighed in amazement.

Jean noticed Sora's action from the corner of her eye as she saw him pull out two more vials from his pouch.

"They are…?"

"Aura recovery potions." Responded Sora with a straight face.

Jean: @o@!!!

"W-W-Wait! Slow down here. That's too much for me right now…! Let me drink this one first, okay?" said Jean, holding her forehead in pain. Sora revealed too many groundbreaking secrets to her, but it did make her heart feel very warm.

Sora must trust her if he can reveal his secret without a second thought. Her face blossomed in happiness as she thought about it.

Sora naturally witnessed Jean's beautiful smile and was stunned by it.

'Cute…' thought Sora as he looked away.

"Cough, come on, drink one, and we should join Tifa and Atalanta. They must be resting before we engage the second waves of Grimms." Said Sora as he drank his own and gave Jean one.

"O-O-Oh, yeah." Answered the flustered Jean as she quickly drank her share.

Sora and Jean quickly left their place to rejoin their teammates.