Chapter 7 Urged By Elder Fu

In the Fu family's villa, because he had eaten too much spicy food, he lay on the bed and covered his stomach.

Standing next to him, Fu Qingyu ordered the family doctor to give him a check-up. He felt guilty when he saw his son sweating.

It was true that he didn't get along well with his son. He was strict with his son at ordinary times. Even if he wanted to love his child occasionally, he would try his best to satisfy his physical needs. He had never known what his son wanted, or he wouldn't have ended up like this.

The doctor pressed on her belly and asked, "Young master, does it hurt here?"

With his face wrinkled and his hair wet with cold sweat, he nodded obediently.

The doctor moved his hand up a little and asked, "What about here?"

With a slight snort, he looked very uncomfortable and nodded obediently.

The doctor continued, "Young master, if you feel uncomfortable, just tell me."

Qiao Yannian opened his mouth. He wanted to tell these uncles that his belly hurt and he wanted to see his mommy very much.

Unfortunately, he didn't say a word in the end.

Sitting on the sofa in a cold and tall posture, Fu Qingyu looked at his son's sad face and suddenly realized that something was wrong.

He hadn't heard anything from his son since he saw him.

Fu Jingzhe had always been spoiled. Even if his finger broke a little, he would make a fuss, let alone sweating from pain.

Was... Was it because he was too uncomfortable? So he couldn't speak?

Thinking of this, Fu Qingyu felt more guilty.

The doctor stood up and reported respectfully, "Sir, young master ate too much spicy food, which caused his stomachache."

"Change some mild diet for him these days. He will be fine after a rest."

Fu Qingyu nodded slightly and winked at the butler, asking him to send the doctor out.

He stood up and sat on the edge of the bed. After hesitating for a while, he reached out and touched his son's head.

After taking the medicine, he finally felt better. When he was in a deep sleep, he only felt that someone was gently stroking him.

His hands were steady and powerful, but very warm.

Just like... The father in his dream.

Seeing that his son had fallen asleep, Fu Qingyu stood up and left the room, asking the nanny to keep an eye on him.

When he came to the living room, butler reported with sweat on his forehead, "Sir, elder Fu has called you a lot."

Fu Qingyu was busy taking care of his son, so he didn't answer the phone. They didn't dare to let elder Fu know that the young master was sick.

"Okay," replied Fu Qingyu indifferently. When he called back, he heard elder Fu's rebuke,

"You're so stubborn, aren't you? Why don't you answer my phone?"

Fu Qingyu frowned and asked indifferently, "what's the matter?"

"I called Xi today. She didn't mean to late on purpose. She was delayed by something."

Fu Qingyu frowned unhappily, "No matter what the reason is, being late means being late."

"You brat, do you want to piss me off?"

Mr. Fu coughed heavily on the phone and began to say, "what have I done to have a son like you? Jinzhe has grown up. It's time to find a mother for him. I have to worry about this!"

"I've made an appointment with Xi. Three days later, she'll meet you."


Mr. Fu always felt something was wrong. He knew what kind of person Qiao Xi was. If there was no special reason, she would not be late.

"Xi might have been bullied by someone. Be careful and take good care of her!"