WebNovelRoyal Z12.50%

Father's Explanation

A blurry view filled Zeph's sight, all he could hear was birds chirping and the sound of people talking outside the room.

After regaining his eyesight Zeph tried to remember what had happened before he was knocked unconscious, but before he could remember most of it he spotted a recognizable envelope next to the bed he was laying on. Zeph went closer to the envelope to inspect it again, he now remembered that it was his grandfather's envelope that he discovered inside the box.

Zeph began to hesitate again, this was because he had remembered what had happened when he opened the envelope last time, however his curiosity overcame him and he slowly crept to the envelope, finally holding it in his hands Zeph steadily unfold the envelope. What happened next was not what he had expected, light had not spat unlike what it did last time Zeph had opened it, relieved Zeph went on to read what the letter inside the envelope has to say.


Zeph was now tidying up his surroundings and getting ready to go outside, he had learned from the letter that the place he was in was Planet Tyr and in the Kingdom of Sprache , the old man then mentioned on how he was part of a royal family from the Sprache kingdom and that the old man was the head of the house before his father, the old man also mentioned that Zeph would need to ask his father for more information since the old man doesn't have much time.

Zeph was now walking in the hall, he would see employees here and there bowing to him as if he was their boss, He even saw large open rooms like a library, kitchen and observatory. After walking for about 10 minutes Zeph stood in front of his father's work room.

Zeph slowly went inside and sure enough he saw a familiar figure.

"Welcome son"

"Hello father"

"Now I know you are a bit confused but his message must have told you about the basics you need to know right?", Zeph thought about it and nodded.

"Yes he told me this place isn't Earth but a place named Tyr, he also mentioned that we are part of a Royal family here", Zeph's answer received a nod from his father.

"Yes what you said is all right but he hasn't told you the whole story." Zeph's father Zavier Zeigner took a deep breath and began explaining.

"The Zeigner household has been the oldest and most powerful of the 26 households, yet we have the least systems, each household has at least 5 system users with some of the most powerful ones like the household of the Richards having 10." Zavier sighed when saying this while this sentence put Zeph in a state of confusion and bewilderment.

"But you're too young for that, all you have to know is that you need to become powerful. The Zeigner household would have a special collaboration you and some others would train under your uncle Zar and me for the next month together, this is to make sure that you are ready for the academy would start soon, make sure you get a rest and don't embarrass the Zeigner household." Zeph nodded since he already guessed that his uncle who his mother said to be working with his father would be here.

"We would have dinner tomorrow with your uncle so be sure to prepare yourself, the envoy's of the Caesar family together with the Erotosis family would be there." Zeph nodded his head for the final time today and started to walk away.

Zeph had learned many things from what his dad had said, however Zeph still had lots of questions in his head so he decided that going towards the library he had seen while walking a while ago would be the right choice.
