Zeph slid down the one of the spider's stomach with a dagger in his hand, killing it with blood spurting all over while screeching. The screech the spider gave attracted 6 of the remaining spiders.
"Split up again!" Zeph shouted once again. Awhile ago he had ordered every one to run, while running he met up with his team to tell them the plan, the plan was pretty simple Zeph had read it from reading about the Napoleonic wars. The plan was to split up the enemy forces by luring them with a much weaker foe like Zeph while regrouping as fast as possible to overwhelm the foe.
The three nodded as they split up into two groups, Zeph in one group while the rest in the other, Zeph's task was to lure 1-2 spiders in the decided location while the two archers bombard them with arrows.
Zeph continued to run and find spiders that are alone and lure them or make spiders in groups to leave the group.
The slaughtering of Giant Spiders continued until they reached the halfway mark.
Popups began appearing as the hours went by.
[New Skill Received: Basic Aura Concealment]
Another hour passed, whilst fighting a battle Zeph received a skill popup once again.
[New Skill Received: Block]
With every hour that passed by all of them received a popup containing skills or additional attributes.
Slash! Zeph slashed the last Giant Spider in the room they were in, they had finally reached the halfway mark after a grueling 24 hours. Though they had used 24 hours of their lives the team felt they had not wasted it, this was because they all have now reached lvl: 10!
The team then rested for another hour, this gave them enough time for them to look at what they have gained.
Zeph glanced at his system window with a glint of excitement in his eyes. He had to got through many things to get here, now it was time to reap the harvest.
[Zeph Zeigner]
[Lvl: 10]
[Health Points: 80/100]
[Title: Marathon Runner, Arachnid Murderer]
[Stats: Strength-33, Stamina-49, Defense-34, Magic-18, Magical Defense-19]
[Skills: Stamina Enhancement, Focus Speed, Anti Insomnia, Strength Enhancement, Night Vision, Block, Basic Aura Concealment, Basic Instant Assassination, Speed Amplifier]
[Weapon: Light Metallic Dagger]
[Weapon Mastery: 78/100]
[Armor: Light cloth armor]
[Armor Durability: 24/50]
[Missions: {Required Mission} Obtain 800 Giant Spider Legs 400/800]
[Announcement received!]
Zeph was inspecting his system window while grinning like a person who had just won the lottery. Zeph went through the skills one by one checking what had improved and what were the damage outputs. Finishing the checking of the skills Zeph had noticed the announcement page.
"It seems like there's an announcement." Zeph pondered what could it be when tapping the page. After tapping it Zeph saw a message popup.
[Grandfather's Gift]
[Voice message playing]
While the team was resting, thousands of kilometers away King Gama was talking with Zavier.
"Do you really think that the radical movement in the south would cause a revolution to would come?" King Gama asked toward the kneeling Zavier.
"Yes my King, my underlings have informed me that after the official declaration of war against the Pevnost Republic the people from the radicalism movement was suddenly lively. If I may add the Pagan church may have been backing them this whole time and they could and would most likely revolt."
The King nodded and stopped to think about it.
"How sure are you that they would Revolt Zavier?"
Zavier Zeigner paused and confidentially replied.
"Very much so, I am very confident that they would revolt!" Zavier shouted as he tried to warn the king.
"Well then, thank you for your insight." The King nodded and bid farewell to Zavier as he was walking out the door.