Chapter 10: What Makes You Think You Have the Right to Control?

The security guards were already exhausted from blocking Maya Mansfield's fans, and now the movie fans standing behind Gail Wright came forward, along with the reporters from before and those who had appeared out of nowhere. The security guards struggled to cope with the attacks from both sides.

"Miss Gail...Is your claim about Miss Mansfield riding the bus founded or is it just a wild guess?"

"Miss Gail, why are you so concerned about Lewis Yale's love life...Do you also have feelings for Mr. Yale?"

"Miss Mansfield, is what Miss Gail said true? Are you the third party in Mr. Yale's extramarital affair?"

"Miss Mansfield, please answer..."

"Mr. Yale, your wife is the Gordon Family's recognized Second Miss. Are you not satisfied with the Second Miss of the Gordon Family because she is not of the Gordon bloodline and has no inheritance rights from the Gordon Family? Miss Gail said that yesterday, your wife was kidnapped because of your extramarital affair and you did not show up. Is this true? Will you divorce your wife for Miss Mansfield?"

The reporters' questions came like machine gunfire from all directions. Some were asking Maya Mansfield, some Lewis Yale, and more were aimed at Gail Wright.

Behind, the movie and music fans mixed with the security guards had begun to quarrel and fight.

In the crowd, Lewis Yale had wanted to leave earlier, but had been surrounded by people. Maya Mansfield was being held by Gail Wright, and so she could not break free.

Seeing that the crowd had become chaotic and the time to leave was right, Lewis Yale snapped impatiently, "Gail Wright... The matter between Grace Gordon and me is none of your business! Stop making a scene with so many people here!"

"Lewis Yale! If you're a real man and you truly love this bus girl... Then divorce Grace! Stop dragging her along! You're not fit to be with her!" Gail Wright said, word by word.

Lewis Yale stared at Gail Wright and sneered coldly, "Gail Wright... If Grace's mother doesn't care about this issue, what makes you think you have any right to interfere?"

Gail Wright's face darkened.

When Maya Mansfield heard Gail Wright repeatedly call her a "bus girl," her eyes turned gloomy... She had lost all traces of her previous weakness. She turned her head and whispered something to her assistant.

Grace Gordon saw Maya Mansfield's assistant raise a newspaper and magazine stand to smash at Gail Wright.

Grace Gordon's eyes widened as she screamed, "Gail!"

She rushed over like a madwoman and hugged Gail Wright...

Grace Gordon closed her eyes, bracing herself for the heavy blow.

But... It felt like a century had passed, and Grace Gordon clearly heard the sound of the metal stand colliding with the floor and the sudden silence of the crowd.

However... Grace Gordon did not feel any pain at all.

"Grace!" Gail Wright, who was held in Grace's embrace, looked shocked. She looked past Grace and saw Ian Leighton shielding the two of them, his eyes quivering violently.

Grace opened her eyes, feeling something sticky and warm dripping on her earlobes. It wasn't very hot, but her ears turned red from the heat.

"Grace... Grace..."

Hearing the concerned, panicked, and weak voice, Grace suddenly turned her head...