Chapter 70: Do I Have No Choice but You? (1)

Grace Gordon turned her head and was about to leave.

"Grace Gordon, I've said it before...I don't like being played. Once you sign the divorce agreement with Lewis Yale, we'll get married." Stanhope Brown said.

Grace clenched her lips and looked at Stanhope: "So, the Secretary of State means...whether I'm willing to be a member of your team or not, this marriage certificate...I must get with you, and this marriage I must have with you, is that right?"

Stanhope laughed lightly: "You're very smart."

Grace clenched her teeth, not believing that if she didn't sign and didn't go, the Secretary of State could force her to become his legal wife.

Grace's hand was on the doorknob, just about to turn it...

"In the United States...that Aiden Moore has returned to the country." Stanhope flicked the ash from his cigarette.

Grace shivered all over, her spine tingling.

Last time, she called Stanhope to get married in front of Aiden. If Aiden found out that she was lying to him, then she...