Chapter 100: Give her the phone!

Florence Kirk stood outside, with half of her suitcase in the room and the other half in the corridor. Her belongings were scattered both inside and outside.

Florence Kirk looked at the things on the ground, tears dripping down her cheeks, a stark contrast to her high-spirited demeanor just moments ago.

She crouched down and frantically stuffed her fallen clothes back into the suitcase.

Grace Gordon frowned, wanting to go over and help, but was held back by Gail Wright.

"People who look pitiful must have done something hateful!" Gail Wright lowered her voice for fear that Wilbert Morgan might hear. She said to Grace Gordon, "You forgot how she drugged you! I'll go..."

Seeing Gail Wright approaching the door, Florence Kirk stopped her actions and looked up at Gail with teary eyes, as if waiting for Gail to help her put things back in.