Chapter 116: Don't Be Too Late

Even though they both stayed up all night, Grace Gordon ended up with dark circles under her eyes while Stanhope Brown remained elegant and refreshed.

Grace was not satisfied.

So, today, she must get a good night's sleep and not be seduced into bed by Stanhope!

"Alright...I'll go to sleep first. Don't stay up too late!" After giving his advice, Stanhope went back to Grace's room.

Grace sighed, watching Stanhope close the door, before finally starting to read the book in her hand.

By the time Grace had finished reading and returned to her room after washing up, Stanhope was indeed already in bed... Because there were no pajamas for him, he was still wearing his shirt, with the quilt covering him up to his chest... His eyes closed, his hand supporting his head, tilted slightly to the right.

Grace gently closed the door, and Stanhope didn't wake up... His breathing was light, as if he were really asleep.

Stanhope slept well...