Chapter 138 Especially annoying! 1

Emma White glared at Quinn Brown: "You naughty boy, what are you talking about! Your grandmother needs to use the kitchen... we'll have to have our lunch later."

Quinn Brown shoved another piece of orange into his mouth: "Doesn't grandmother usually only eat Auntie Windy's cooking? Has she changed her habits?"

"Your grandmother brought Jenner Summer and your eldest brother's girlfriend home… they're both injured from the Evergreen Mountain Fire. They're going to recuperate at home..." Emma White's eyes clearly showed her disdain when she mentioned 'Eldest Brother', "Well, since the Webster girl is so determined to be with him but he doesn't want her and insists on having a commoner, it saves me a lot of trouble. Now, it is easier to explain things to the Webster Family... it's not like I, as his mother, do not want to facilitate a good marriage for him."

As soon as Quinn Brown heard that, he sat upright and squinted, "Mom... do you know who my brother's woman is?"