Chapter 214: No Response from Ian Leighton!

Grace Gordon was grabbed and pushed to the ground.

No matter how hard Grace struggled, it was useless.

"You'd better kill me today! If you don't kill me... I'll definitely kill you!" Grace hysterically yelled.

"Behave yourself!"

The voice of the man holding Grace had just fallen when suddenly...the distant hum of a helicopter approached, echoing through the night.

Everyone looked up, and the light from the helicopter had already chased them here... it was so bright that they couldn't keep their eyes open.

Several helicopters were all heading towards this direction, and the special service personnel had already slid down from the ropes of the helicopters before everyone could react.

Grace was pressed down, and she could no longer see the helicopters above her head. But the blinding light coming from the helicopters made it impossible for her to open her eyes.