Chapter 226: Grace Gordon Dared to Meet Her! 1

But... she would reveal the truth and let Emma White witness the destruction of what she cared about the most.

"You dare!" Emma White picked up the crystal ashtray from the table.

"Madam!" Butler Morty exclaimed in shock, taking three steps in two strides to grab Emma White's arm.

Butler Morty was afraid that Emma would throw it, as she had last time... Stanhope Brown's warning still echoed in his ears.

Butler Morty shook his head at Emma White, his pupils wide open...

In that moment of eye contact with Butler Morty, Emma White thought of what Stanhope Brown had said that day... Stanhope Brown's words clearly meant that if anything happened to Grace Gordon, the blame would be on her.

If Grace Gordon or the people around her were hurt, Stanhope Brown would be unhappy and go to Old Master White.

Now... Alexander White was still locked in prison, and neither the White Family nor the Brown Family could help him.