Chapter 231: Did You Find It? 2

"How come you're here?" Stanhope Brown asked.

"Oh...well!" Shane Sim hurriedly pointed at his chubby son, "Kevin said he wanted to see Wilbert, so I brought him over!"

Grace Gordon's face flushed red and she walked inside with her head lowered after changing her shoes...

Shane Sim had wanted to ask Grace something, but to his surprise, she walked past him without stopping, so he didn't have the heart to call her back.

Shane Sim lowered his voice and asked Stanhope, "What's going on?"

Stanhope smiled, "Nothing... let me go upstairs and change my clothes, you stay with the two kids..."

Grace and Stanhope went upstairs one after the other, leaving Shane Sim puzzled...

What did Stanhope mean by staying with the two kids?

Could it be...that the two of them were so fiery and passionate that they needed something?

Shane Sim's eyes brightened.

Just now, when Grace and Stanhope came back, they only greeted the two kids before going upstairs.