Chapter 244 Who is Pretending to Be Reserved For? 2

Being taken to that place for men to have fun with her?

No...Florence Kirk doesn't want to live like this!

It's all Grace Gordon's fault! She ruined the Kirk family and caused such distress to herself!

If it weren't for Grace Gordon, Florence Kirk would still be living a life as a young lady.

Why did she have to end up in such a situation?

Everything was Grace Gordon's fault... Florence wished she could eat Grace's flesh and drink her blood!

But now, what can she do to save herself?

Florence tried hard to suppress her sobs, her body trembling uncontrollably.

Suddenly, she thought of someone...

Quinn Brown, the one she met last time at the police station!

At that time... didn't Quinn Brown want to keep her as his mistress?

When Florence thought of this, she seemed to have grasped a lifeline.

She thought, instead of being sent to some unknown place to be ruined by some random men, she might as well... choose Quinn Brown.