Chapter 253: Is Stanhope Brown Married? 1

Stanhope Brown didn't give Grace Gordon a chance to finish her sentence, he simply pulled her close and held her face with one hand, kissing her in front of everyone!

In an instant, those who were passionately discussing just a moment ago all halted and turned their attention to Stanhope and Grace.

Oliver Howe was stunned... The pen in his hand slipped out of his grip due to sheer shock, falling onto the table... The sound of the pen dropping was clearly audible amidst the silence in the caravan.

To Oliver's left, the professionally dressed woman with an efficient demeanor turned pale as she looked over at the scene. Her beautiful eyes filled with disbelief.

This woman was Sophie Turner, one of the writers for the Secretary of State's Office.

Sophie had assisted two governors in their campaign in the United States. Although the results were not entirely satisfactory, she was competent in her skills.