Chapter 251 Grace Gordon continues to look for Stanhope Brown 1

But Shane Sim didn't plan to discuss this matter with Grace Gordon today. Grace had just returned and needed some time to settle in...

After all, Grace was back in the domestic region, with him, Kevin Sim... and even with Benjamin Fox around her, she would feel at ease and let go of herself.

Shane Sim actually didn't want to leave, but he had been sitting here for several hours already, and it would be unreasonable not to leave... Grace had just returned and still had many things to unpack.

"I'll bring Kevin over tomorrow. You haven't seen him in a long time..." Shane Sim said with a smile to Grace Gordon. "Anyway, I'm idle now... It won't bother you, will it?"

Grace Gordon smiled even more brilliantly: "Of course not..."

Back in the day, Wilbert Morgan was so fond of Kevin Sim. If Kevin came... Wilbert would be very happy.

Early in the morning, Grace Gordon washed and dressed in a neat professional attire.