Chapter 258: I Have a Solution 1

All the important figures sat around the conference table in silence, while their assistants behind them were working frantically...

"I'm going to contact the Ukrainian side!" Stanhope Brown stood up, speaking to Oliver Howe who also got up, "Ask the ambassador of the Ukrainian Embassy to get back to me as soon as possible. I need to know what's going on there! Tell the Russian Ambassador and the Ukrainian Ambassador to wait for me in the Secretary of State's Office in two hours."

The Intelligence Director received the President's order to make a phone call and find out what was going on.

Outside, there were sounds of phone calls everywhere... and papers flying.

Stanhope Brown, calm and collected, walked to a quiet corner where Oliver Howe had already dialed the Ukrainian side's phone using a satellite phone.

It was certain that there was a firefight going on over there, but it was not clear whether it was the work of the Ukrainian interim government.