Chapter 280: Date Day 2

Natalie Carter was even more infuriating when she published an article specifically introducing Grace Gordon and Stanhope Brown.

It mainly described Stanhope's inner journey and how Grace's growth encouraged him.

Everyone knew that Grace was not a child of the Gordon Family, but Stanhope paid more attention to her because of this. He found that Grace was very strong, and despite her background, she did not want to be a caged bird in the Gordon Family. Instead, she was determined to do what she loved.

At that time, Stanhope was being groomed as the heir to the Brown Family, but he resolutely took Grace as his role model and decided to give up his inheritance to join the military camp, pursuing what he loved to do.

Nowhere in the article did it mention that Stanhope was not a child of the Brown Family, but Jenner Summer had already figured out most of the story.