Chapter 303: They Hope My Big Brother Will Defeat The Browns

Meanwhile, Jenner Summer was taking care of Old Madam Brown in the house.

When Jenner learned that Stanhope was coming, her eyes lit up and her heart started to pound.

Jenner handed Old Madam Brown a glass of water and asked, "Grandmother... would you like an apple? Shall I peel one for you?"

Jenner was worried that Old Madam Brown would ask her to leave, so she was trying to stall... stalling until Stanhope arrived.

However, Old Madam Brown, with her piercing and vibrant eyes, looked at Jenner and said, "Jenner… you should go! It's enough that your father is here…"

Jenner's heart tightened. Old Madam Brown was clearly trying to keep her from meeting Stanhope!

"But grandmother, my father is a man after all. It's not appropriate for him to take care of you... Let me do it!" Jenner said, smiling.