Chapter 326: Extra: Childhood Sweethearts Chapter 7

"That's quite a coincidence... I have to go to West City for some errands today as well. How about we have lunch together?" Mia Tanner lowered her head, organizing her things.

"Sure!" Vivian Wright agreed immediately, actually feeling that Mia Tanner was a pretty nice person, and wanting to set her up with Shane Sim.

Hearing Vivian's agreement, Mia Tanner hurriedly said, "Alright... You can send me the location of that factory, and we can have lunch nearby... If you have nothing to do in the afternoon, we can go back together!"

"Alright..." Vivian nodded, "See you this afternoon, Sister Mia!"

"See you this afternoon!"

After hanging up the phone, Mia Tanner informed Shane Sim that she had something to do. Shane, as the boss, had always been kind to his employees. So, when Mia said she had something to do, he didn't ask any questions and just let her go.

As Vivian sat on the subway, she still felt a little guilty about Mia.