Chapter 336: Extra - Childhood Sweethearts Chapter 17

Upon hearing this, Vivian Wright panicked and saw the two men running towards her, and she became frightened...

Frederick Wentworth rushed out and clung to one of the man's leg, shouting to Vivian again with a tone full of determination: "Run!"

For a moment, Vivian, facing Frederick with her eyes met, didn't know what had gotten into her... she didn't want to leave deep down in her heart! But her legs, however, seemed to have a mind of their own...

Not knowing how long she had been running, Vivian reached the most crowded area and began pleading for help among the people… she cried for help…

A group of classmates having a reunion and eating barbecue nearby heard Vivian's intermittent sobbing. They bravely stopped the two rich second-generation guys who had chased her!

Female classmates also came up to comfort Vivian. For a moment, all of them shared a common enemy… They all glared at the two rich second-generation boys.