Chapter 401: Extra: Ian Leighton Part 6

"I'm going to go in and check!"

As Susan Gordon was about to go in, Gail Wright held her back: "Don't worry... there are doctors and nurses inside, and your sister is with him. You should wait out here for a while!"

Although Susan really wanted to go in and see for herself, she didn't insist after hearing Gail's words. She waited outside the hospital ward with Gail and Lewis Yale.

After a while, the doctor came out with Grace Gordon, talking to her about something.

As soon as Susan saw them, she hurried over and asked, "Doctor... How is my brother?"

The doctor glanced at the anxious Susan, then continued speaking to Grace, "We will need to do more detailed examinations next, but for now, don't worry. The surgery was very successful... and based on the previous test results I've seen, this condition should only be temporary!"

Grace nodded, "Alright... thank you, doctor!"

After the doctor and nurse left, Susan pulled Grace aside and asked, "Sis... how is my brother now?"