The Arrival of Elder Liu (2)

This also allowed the two brothers to confirm the fact that they had lied to their friends. Therefore, for the time being, the two brothers, Chen Haoguo and Chen Haoxuan, were excluded by the children in the village. 

Elder Liu and the others set off this morning, and their group arrived at Chen Meng'er's house before eleven o'clock. 

When Elder Liu and his two cars drove into Chen Village, Chen village was once again in an uproar. Everyone who saw it was guessing who the person in the two cars was looking for in the village. Some guessed that it was the village chief's house, while others guessed this house. In any case, they were all people with relatives outside the village. 

As for Chen Meng'er's house, because of her criminal record, it was also among the guesses of everyone. 

Someone in the village shouted, "Ah, I know whose car this car is looking for. Isn't the car leading the way the same car that sent Chen Ping and his daughter back last time?"