Jin Minzhu (2)

"What? You took advantage of me, and now you don't want to admit it? Ah Biao, let me tell you, don't even think of dumping me after you eat me clean." When Jin Minzhu heard Ah Biao's words, she immediately lost her composure. She did not care about Ah Biao's brothers being present and questioned Ah Biao. 

"Oh, Ah Biao, you're really amazing." Fatty said as he looked at Ah Biao with a mischievous smile. 

Ah Biao looked at the way everyone was looking at him, and he felt a headache coming on. "Jin Minzhu, please look at the occasion when you're talking." 

"Uncle Ah Biao, you took advantage of her, so you have to be responsible for her. Otherwise, you'll be a heartbreaker." Chen Meng'er was evil, stirring up the water as muddy as possible.