Resolved (2)

Chen Meng'er was busy with the driver and the others. The Axe Gang was helping the fifth member and the sixth member, who had been shot by her. The sixth member's wound was still bleeding non-stop. If Chen Meng'er didn't treat them now... not only would both of their legs be crippled, but it was estimated that neither of their lives would be saved. 

"What do you want?" The third member shouted loudly when he saw Chen Meng'er touching their wounds. He was so nervous that he did not care about his own plight. 

"Keep your voice down. If you don't want your members' lives to be lost, then shut up." Chen Meng'er hated it the most when others shouted loudly while she was treating others. It would distract her. Chen Meng'er turned around and looked at the third member's cold eyes. The third member was so scared that he subconsciously shut his mouth and didn't dare to speak again. 

Chen Meng'er was very satisfied with this result.