Chapter 330

As he spoke, Zhuge Yu turned around and gave Elder Liu the first order. Then, the entire Green Gang moved towards the Yamaguchi-gumi. 

On the other side, the elites of the Yamaguchi-gumi also received the news. However, the news they received was more accurate than Elder Liu's. They received the news that their Boss, Yamaguchi had been in an accident and was now unconscious and sent to the hospital for emergency treatment. After receiving this news, they could no longer stand still. 

In addition, their Boss had fallen and was hospitalized. Who else would give them orders? Therefore, they also retreated to the Yamaguchi-gumi. 

The Green Gang and the Yamaguchi-gumi's two teams moved from different directions to the same destination. However, the speed at which they moved caused their two teams to meet at the entrance of the Yamaguchi-gumi.