Chapter 402

"Yes, yes. I'll call our head now." Edward, who had been depressed for so many days, was extremely excited. He finally saw hope again. 

"Mm, then I'll wait for Mr. Edward's good news." 

When Yuwen Jing hung up the phone call from Edward, his expressionless face finally revealed a trace of happiness. "This girl," Yuwen Jing muttered softly. 

Yuwen Jing's whisper just happened to reach the ears of his bodyguards, Allen and Baro. Allen and Baro looked at each other and raised their eyebrows at each other. They knew in their hearts that only Miss Meng'er could make their master show such an expression. 

Allen and Baro had been selected by Yuwen Jing among many people of his age since he became the successor of the Buyano family. In the past few years, Allen and Baro had been sent to other places by Yuwen Jing to train and study. The two of them had been summoned back by Yuwen Jing when Yuwen Jing became the new head of the Buyano family.