Chapter 495

However, Qu Yaotao was only like this in front of his own family. In front of outsiders, he was like a crouching tiger.

Qu Yaotian was the eldest brother and was more stable. He looked at his father and asked, "Dad, what is the identity of that girl? Not everyone can enter Zhongnanhai." 

"Yes, that girl is the mysterious granddaughter of Elder Liu. She is the new head of the Green Gang as well as the Liu family. That's why I'm sure that she's different from those people who had ulterior motives to get close to our family." Elder Qu said.

"What? That mysterious Little Miss of the Green Gang?" Qu Yaotao exclaimed in shock once again.

This time, Qu Yaotao had just shouted out when Qu Yaoguo who was standing beside him knocked his head hard. "Yaotao, be quiet."