Chapter 522

Qu Haocheng ignored his younger brother's pleas and calmly put the item into the rosewood box. He raised his head and said to Chen Meng'er, "Thank you for the gift. I like it very much. I will carry it with me." 

"It's good that you like it." How could Chen Meng'er not know the value of imperial jade on the market? However, after being reborn and having the favor of the heavens, material things didn't matter to Chen Meng'er.

On the other hand, the guests in the banquet hall could see clearly what the pendant Qu Haocheng had taken out was made of. Those who knew the value of the pendant could tell at a glance that it was imperial jade. This imperial jade was the best of the best. Although it was sold on the market, they had to consider the price before buying it themselves.

Now, the young lady of the Green Gang did not even blink and gave away such an exquisitely carved imperial jade pendant.