Chapter 607

It was like a comparison between riding a bicycle and riding a motorcycle.

"Meng'er, pack your things. Let's go back to China tomorrow." After Elder Liu received a phone call, the smile on his face changed. He looked at Chen Meng'er seriously.

"Okay, got it, Grandpa." Chen Meng'er replied.

"Girl, why don't you ask why we are in such a hurry to go back?" Elder Liu was waiting for Chen Meng'er to ask him why. However, Chen Meng'er's answer made him swallow the words that were in his mouth. He felt extremely uncomfortable.

"Grandpa, if you want to tell me, I won't even have to ask. You will tell me. However, if you don't want to tell me, even if I ask, you won't tell me." Chen Meng'er said and winked at Elder Liu mischievously.

"You brat..." Elder Liu didn't know whether to laugh or cry at Chen Meng'er's answer.