Chapter 632

"Grandpa, what's the matter? I'm still in a hurry to eat the pastries that Meng'er personally made." This was something that he had begged for for a long time yesterday. Qu Haoxiang said somewhat anxiously.

When Elder Qu heard his little grandson's words, his eyes immediately lit up. Meng'er personally made pastries. He wanted to try them. "Ahem, I happen to have something to do at the Green Gang too. I'll go with you." Elder Qu would not admit it, but he was afraid that if he went to the Green Gang, he would be stopped by Elder Liu. That was why he used the excuse of hitching a ride with his grandson.

Although Elder Liu had always said that he would not express any opinions on the matter of their relationship and would completely listen to Meng'er's opinion, when Elder Liu thought about how someone came to snatch his granddaughter away from him, his heart would not feel good. As such, he tried every means to stop Elder Qu from seeing Chen Meng'er.