Chapter 866

With that, the person at the top turned around and walked into his office.

He had thought that there would be a storm waiting for his assistant, but now that he saw that his chief was too calm, he was very cautious. He would rather have his chief scold him right now than be like this. This was clearly the calm before the storm.

The person at the top was not as calm as he looked on the surface. A sentence kept repeating in his mind, "It's over this time." 

He entered the office and sat at his desk for a long time.

In the end, he picked up the phone and called the Green Gang.

Chen Meng'er was not surprised at all when she received a call from him. It could be said that she knew that there would be such a call from the very beginning of her plan.

"Chief, you had the time to call me." Chen Meng'er picked up the phone and continued to play dumb with him as usual.