Chapter 873

"If I'm not mistaken, the two of them didn't show their membership cards. You didn't stop them and let them in." Chen Meng'er pointed at Fatty and Zhou Yunjie. With a smile, she said to the staff member, "Can I ask, are you treating them differently?" 

"I'm sorry, miss. They are Hall Master Fatty and Young Master Zhou. They don't need to show their membership cards to enter Blue. Their faces and identities are the membership cards that they use to enter and exit Blue." The staff member looked at Chen Meng'er with a smile on his face. When he spoke, his chest was deliberately pushed forward.

Chen Meng'er finally understood. It seemed that she was being stopped because her face was not popular in this part of the capital. "It seems that this face has such an effect in this part of the capital." Chen Meng'er did not expect that this part of the capital would be so advanced. They had actually started to use facial ID.