Chapter 920

"Then Grandpas, you guys go. I'll watch the house." The old men had work to do, so Chen Meng'er could finally relax. In the past two days, whenever the old men had anything to do, they would grab her and make her hang out with them.

The two old men did not say anything, but Chen Meng'er knew very well who they were guarding her against.

It happened earlier when Yuwen Jing wanted to change his dressing. When Baro came to look for her, he was caught red-handed by the two old men at home.

At that time, the two old men had made a face and questioned Baro mercilessly. 

When Baro faced these two old men, he immediately cowered. Shivering, he had replied he was looking for the little miss. He did not dare call Chen Meng'er his mistress.

He knew if he said that, the Green Gang might kill him.

Elder Liu scoffed and told him to hurry up and not take too much of his granddaughter's time. 

Elder Qu nodded.