Chapter 1117

"Yunjie, I remember that a few companies under my name seem to be working with the Kennedy family." Chen Meng'er had always adhered to the principle of never suspecting others when using them. She had full trust in the people around her. She usually left them to their own devices.

Fortunately, Chen Meng'er's memory was good, so she had some recollection of her own business.

"Yes, Little Miss, your memory is accurate. However, I'm not in charge of these things, Su Jin is." Zhou Yunjie, Su Jin, and Zhou Yunbo were all Chen Meng'er's personal guards. The three of them also had a clear division of labor on a daily basis. However, because Su Jin and Zhou Yunbo knew about Zhou Yunjie's feelings towards Chen Meng'er, the two of them deliberately gave the opportunity to stay by Chen Meng'er's side to Zhou Yunjie. "Little Miss, do you want me to call Su Jin over?"