Chapter 1164

Miss Kennedy was banished to an unknown corner of the world by Chen Meng'er. In that corner of the world, she lived a lowly life wracked with poverty.

As for Ruth, while she was shivering and constantly begging for mercy, Chen Meng'er showed a rare bit of mercy and spared her once.

However, this was not truly mercy because Chen Meng'er heartlessly destroyed her career. She only spared her life.

As for the Kennedy family, no matter how much Master Kennedy struggled, the only thing waiting for him was a huge amount in liquidated damages and a change of ownership of the Kennedy family business. This was a fact that he couldn't change no matter how much he didn't want to admit it or how much he appealed.

A week later, the Kennedy family completely disappeared from the upper circles of Country Y.

With the Kennedy family as a precedent, the upper circles of Country Y no longer dared look down on Chen Meng'er.