Chapter 1183

Just like that, Ally was forcefully dragged out.

Chen Meng'er did not open her mouth to ask Yuwen Jing where he wanted to send Ally. This was the minimum trust she had in him. Since she had already said that they would leave this matter to Yuwen Jing to handle, then she would not interfere and let him handle it.

If she was satisfied with Yuwen Jing's handling of the matter, Chen Meng'er would give Yuwen Jing some points in her heart. If the handling of the matter was very unsatisfactory, then he would lose some points. After all, everything was in her heart.

After Ally was dragged out, the place suddenly became silent. Everyone looked at Yuwen Jing and Chen Meng'er in trepidation.

They secretly regretted that they had stayed just because of a moment of curiosity. How could the drama between the head of the family and the future mistress be so good to watch? Now, karma had arrived.