1.3 First Purple World:A Banquet To Celebrate His Recovery

Three weeks has passed since i just transmigrated into this world, my brother never leaving my side even once. And he is always asking me if something is hurting.

Though, that rarely happens because of the healing elixir that the physician, Uncle Mo made me drink. I still remember what it tastes like. It was strangely sweet, almost like honey.

And when something does hurts it's mostly just aches after i finished my daily physical therapy, as my brother call it. (It was just stretching and walking.) And my older brother makes sure to massage the sore spots gently, but firmly. Softly applying pressure on the aches until it's gone.

" Yun'er does your leg hurt? you walked faster than the other days, you also walked quite farther than yesterday bah~ don't push yourself too much. " he asked while massaging my leg. Proud but also concerned about my progress. He said that i was pushing myself. Because, my progress was fast even with his high expectation of the healing elixir.

" En don't worry gege, Yun'er legs is stronger than before, although it sometimes still feel a little sore, but I know that I'll be fine because gege will massage it for me anyways. After all gege is the best! (/≧ω≦)/"

Oh, by the way I can talk without stuttering now, although I still have to continuesly sell meng. I have no choice! afterall I'm supposed to have to act like a seven year old boy, the body im currently occupying is currently 10 years old And, Lin Baiyun fell into a coma 3 years ago.

*Bang critical hit! Super effective!*

"Hahahaha~ so you do know that gege is the best huh. does this spot still feel sore yun'er? should gege massage it some more? " Lin Yan asked while massaging my kneecaps.

My gege is– as you can see –shameless. But, my meng still work, very critically too! Obvious from his red ear, and the way he changed the subject.

" En. It feels a little bit more sore than the rest, gege please keep massaging. " I said shamelessly while smiling brightly at him. I think he use to massage our parents as a child, he's an expert at this.

[you're actually correct host, according to the flashback when Lin Baiyun died the male lead Lin Yan, and his brother Lin Baiyun, used to massage their parents for red packets as a child. It was a really cute scene.(⁠≧⁠▽⁠≦⁠)] Sunny said which made me imagine the scene, ah! so cutteeee.

' That would have been so freaking adorable, I would love to see that.' I responded to Sunny squealing internally

[ Do you want me to show you, once your vessel is asleep host?] Sunny inquired. Ahh! Sunny is the best!

'you can actually do that? you're the best Sunny! please show me! ' I pleaded mentally.

[ En. i will host, look forward to seeing it, it was super adorable. ] he responded.

" does it feel that good that you actually closed your eyes and smile so widely huh yun'er " I heard my brother spoke suddenly. I got caught oops! And also, what a beautiful misunderstanding, now I don't have to make up something to explain my actions.

"En. it feels so good gege! It's really relaxing, it feels so much better now! I knew you we're the best! thank you gege! " I praised, but seriously it feels really really comfortable, bah! lucky me! (⁠。⁠•̀⁠ᴗ⁠-⁠)⁠✧

" haha~ you and your sweet mouth, always praising me. I'm so happy that you woke up Yun'er, I don't know what I'll do without you. " he said rubbing my head. The reason why I got addicted to headpats was because of this, and I am not complaining.

" hehe, that's because it really feels good gege. If it doesn't then I would have said so, you know that I don't like to lie. " bang~ Lin Baiyun smile on Lin Yan critical attack! KO

" hahaha~ you're making your brother blush bah~ oh I almost forgot, yun'er, there will be a banquet to celebrate your recovery, it was suggested by the elders, they said that we have to show how important you are to the Lin clan, so that no one can think of messing with you, and to be honest with you I completely agree." he said slowly and very dotingly, he's litteraly my second most favorite in the world, hehe no one can beat Huh? that's weird,no one can beat who?, although I was thinking about that I never showed the confusion in my face.

" a banquet! really? really? I can attend a banquet?! I want to attend a banquet brother, can I please? I promise I'll behave " I looked at him with puppy eyes, while I plead cutely.

" Of course you have to go, you're the most important person on the banquet, even if you disagree, the elders will definitely urge you to attend. of course, I'll do my best to stop them if you don't want to attend, with me here no one can force you to do something you don't want to do. " brother Lin said still rubbing my head.

" En! hehe, brother is so nice~ you're the best big brother! " praise ~\(≧▽≦)/~ praise

" Yes, yes brother is nice bah~ but brother is only nice to yun'er ah~ you should be very proud after all your brother is so strong " see? he's shameless.

" ehh~ really? brother so shameless~, but it's okay, yun'er still love you bah~ hahaha " I teased, he does it to me all the time, it's just payback.

" heh~ you stinky child, you want me to pinch your nose ah? " he said pinching my nose then rubbing my head.

" brother! more headpats! " I looked up to him expectantly his headpats are only so-so I still like that guy's headpats better.