1.7 First Purple World: My Very Loveable Yun'er

After all the guest has sent their celebratory gift to Lin Baiyun every guest regardless of gender went home with only one thoughts on their mind ' I really want to bring home the Lin family's youngest child even if it means kidnapping him ' and while they're thinking about it they had an infatuated look on they're faces

" I'll come back tomorrow baby yun'er, wait for me patiently okay? I love you ba~♥" a very shameless Han Ye said lovingly

" shameless hooligan! stay away from yun'er and don't visit if you won't bring sweets tomorrow, humph. and also, yun'er is not a baby anymore! " he said pouting and trying to look angry not knowing he just looked more adorable

"hear that ' shameless hooligan ' don't visit--what?!" Lin Yan smugly said the first sentence only to be dumbfounded at the end

" does yun'er want homemade ones or do you want to have a certain's store sweets yun'er? " Han Ye said ignoring brother Lin Yan. I guess he's not bad, a very doting gege indeed, but I'm just wondering where sunny went. he hasn't been responding since earlier.

" I want homemade ones, brother Han Ye " see that? if you give me sweets, I may consider promoting your position to big brother, from shameless hooligan. and of course Han Ye noticed the change of how I address him, since I can clearly see his smile get wider. unlike my brother's face that only got more and more sour by the second

" En! this handsome brother will bring you the most delicious homemade sweets tomorrow, my very loveable yun'er, so wait for me ba~" ignoring brother Lin Yan's sour face, Han Ye rubbed my head, not caring if anyone watches or not. ' aaah~his headpats are the best!

SLAP! " That is enough. Go home now young master Han Ye. you still have duties to attend to. " brother Lin said, his expression getting frighteningly cold although he's smiling. ' wuwuwu an angry brother is a scary brother indeed '

" hmmm, then I shall get going. bye bye baby yun'er! see you tomorrow! (๑・ω-)~♥ " Han Ye pecked my cheek so fast that neither me or my brother managed to respond before he ran out.

" SHAMELESS HOOLIGAN!!! PERVERT!!" I shouted to him as I hear him burst into laughter, he's so annoying only then did my brother woke up from his stupor

" YOU BASTARD!! HOW DARE YOU TOUCH MY BROTHER! " he screamed before wiping my cheek gently but thoroughly

Lin Yan & Lin Baiyun : (╯°□°)╯︵(\ .o.)\

Han Ye : hehe~ (づ ̄ ³ ̄)づ ♥ ♥ ♥ (。'▽'。)♡

The Gu family : (。ŏ_ŏ) ( ºÄº )

The other guests :〣( ºΔº )〣 Σ (゚Д゚;)

" I'm going to beat up that bastard half to death if he dare come tomorrow " I can hear brother Lin Yan mutter softly under his breath, looking very pissed off, before he turned to me and looked at me gently, rubbing my head. I also want to beat him up! also....

I like Han Ye's headpats better but have to act otherwise jpeg.

[ host! oh! Haaah~ I can finally reach out to you! ]

' sunny?! what happened? why weren't you responding earlier? ' I asked through my head

[ sunny doesn't know either, I suddenly lost contact from you without even a single warning. I've also reached out to the higher ups, but they only gave me reassurance that you'll be fine, and they said that they couldn't tell me the reason, as something is preventing them from disclosing the information.] sunny responded also perplexed

' oh? that's really weird, anyways I heard him, that Han Ye call my name! not this vessel's name but my name! what was that about? '

[ wait really?! oh! maybe it was about th--Rebooting In Process.....Please Wait A Minute Host. ] I heard sunny's voice be replaced by a mechanical one. a reboot? but sunny was working normally. did something wrong happened? now I'm really worried, sunny was about to tell me something, what was it? did the reboot happen to prevent sunny from talking about it? is it about that Han Ye guy.

" yun'er is something wrong? why are you frowning? does anything hurt? " brother Lin Yan's voice woke me up from my momentary stupor.

" it's nothing! I was just thinking about how I can beat up that shameless hooligan half to death. do I need to prepare a stick? brother what do you think? " I made up an answer and also asked for his opinion while tilting my head innocently