
The entrance of the cave was small with only a diameter of two metres. But the twisting snake passage was rather huge. It had a diameter of 5 metres. Once inside, Ray started moving deeper and deeper

But Ray felt that something was amiss.

He realised that the more he deeper went, the colder it walking for got. After walking for just 50 metres, Ray felt the temperature decrease by at least 10° C got.

But what was strange, was that the feeling didn't come from his skin but from within him. He felt that as if his very own soul was being freezed.

Although Ray felt such but in fact he

got more excited. This was because in his previous life, when he came here, he never felt such but now he did. It means that there is a treasure here.

Since Ray only discovered this eave after one year of playing, he didn't feel that it was strange. As such he continued moving deeper.

While walking, Ray checked out the notifications he received earlier, which he had ignored.

[Ding! Your skill 'Silent Steps' have leveled up to Level 2.]

[Ding! Your skill 'Silent Steps' have leveled up to Level 3.]

[Ding! Your skill 'Silent Steps' have leveled up to Level 4.]

[Ding! Your skill 'Silent Steps' have leveled up to Level 5.]

[Ding! Your skill…]

All in all, his skill 'Silent steps' had reached level 7 and 'Controlled Breathing' had reached level 6. It was easily done by him because leveling up requires comprehension power.

Since Ray has already comprehended many skills in his previous life, now he only has to let his body adept to it.

So it wouldn't be long before Ray can master these both skills to peak. In fact, he could even evolve them further since his comprehension power is already far ahead of others.

After checking out the skills, he nodded in satisfaction. What he needed now is only time and then he can easily become one of the top powerhouses of this era.

But for now, he shook his head and pushed these thoughts at the back of his mind. Right now, he needs to check out what is left out in the cave that he didn't acquire in his previous life.

He continued moving deeper and deeper into the cave. At the same time, he felt that the coldness that affected his soul was increasing. But since it was almost negligible, Ray didn't bother with it.

After walking about 200 metres, Ray reached a wide room-shaped area. At the same moment as Ray stepped in, a black cube jumped up in front of him. Ray almost screamed like a scared kitten.

Before Ray could get a clear look, a mysterious female voice entered his ears. But Ray couldn't comprehend what it was trying to tell.


As if understanding his confusion, the mysterious voice changed it's language to the one that Ray could understand.

"Finally, you are here, my dear Lucifer?"

"Don't get too shocked and confused but I am the cube in front of you that is speaking to you. Yeah, its me."

Ray was surprised that this artifact that is in the shape of cube has a spirit consciousness. But it wasn't strange as he had already travelled back in time. What could be more shocking than it? Thus, he couldn't help but talk to it.

"Hey, what are you? No, what should I call you first ?"

"You can call me Void."

"OK Void, so can you tell me what are you doing here?"

"Well, that's a good question but I will tell you about it later."

Saying so, the cube, Void, circled around Ray for once and continued.

"What is important right now is for you to gain a foothold here. So first you must choose your Newbie Gift Pack. Also, I would recommend you to choose the territory lord one."

Ray asked back in shock. "How do you know?"

Void just replied calmly. "That is not important right now. Just do as I say." Ray nodded his head and selected the lord gift pack. In fact, he had already decided to do so since the beginning.

[Territory Lord's Giftpack selected. Opening now.]

[You received: 10 gold coins, 1000 resources, 10 seeds of different crops, 5 sets of armour, 5 swords, Heart of the village]

[ Unknown Blessing activated, you received : 10K gold coins, 1M resources, 10K seeds of different crops]

"When did I receive a blessing?" Ray muttered under his breath. Now he was really confused. But Void just spoke nonchalantly. "Check the details of those earrings that you received."

Immediately, Ray checked the details of the two earrings he received as gift.

[Earrings of Light and Darkness (Celestial)

Description: This pair is formed by earrings from which one belongs to Light and the other to Darkness. This pair of earrings were the first gifts that Lily and Ruth, daughters of Light and Darkness, ever gave to someone in their entire life.

Unknown Blessing: Increases the rewards received by 1000 time. Limited to gold coins, resources, points and the like.

Player Bound]

Ray couldn't be more shocked as his heart was already numb from all the shock he received today.

"Now that you know the reason, let's use that orb shall we." Void continued. "Also, I have some energy left which should push you to level 5."

As Void finished speaking, a white light exited it's body and entered Ray's body.

[+4180 EXP]

[Ding! You have reached level 2.]

[Ding! You have reached level 3.]

[Ding! You have reached level 4.]

[Ding! You have reached level 5.]

"This is good!" Ray exclaimed in surprise. He then took out the black orb that he got. He then activated it immediately.

A black light covered Ray's body as he felt himself being teleported. In the next moment, he disappeared from the cave. But before that, Void spoke up abruptly.

"By the way, this is real world. And you die for real."