Sky Devil

"It is already above us." Void said to Ray in a playful tone.

"Just like that?" Ray couldn't believe that it was so simple.

"Yeah, just like that." Void replied calmly. "In fact, it is a thousand metre-long spaceship."


"Well, let me take you there." As Vold's voice fell, Ray got teleported out of the throne hall.

When Ray appeared again, he found himself in another throne hall. But it was just a bit more advanced. It had the classical look of the control room of a spaceship that one sees in a sci-fi movie.

There was also a throne-like chair on the highest platform. After Void's persuasion, Ray sat on it. But before Ray could ask Void what the hell was happening, the cube got covered in a white light.

Slowly, the white light started to expand and formed a human figure. As the white light faded away, an elegant and beautiful girl appeared before Ray

She had beautiful black hair and deep black eyes flickering with starlight. She was wearing a white military uniform in contrast to her black hair.

Her figure was graceful as well as demonic at the same time. In fact, when comparing her beauty to that of Lily and Ruth, she would definitely come on top.

"Nothing can be compared to this body." The girl said in delight.

"Vold!?" Ray asked the girl with some doubt and shock. The girl looked at Ray and smiled brightly. "Yes, it's me. How do I look by the way?"

"Huh… well, you look beautiful."

Void smiled happily after being praised. While Ray just looked around the room and asked curiously. "Where are we?"

Vold replied. "We are in the control room of the spaceship. The name of the spaceship is Sky Devil. But unfortunately, most of the spaceship is damaged. Only a few machines are usable."

"Also the energy stones can be used to power up the energybots. You only need to spend energy stones to reboot them. After that, they can absorb the energy from the surroundings on their own."

Ray nodded his head as he understood. Then he asked. "What are the machines that are still usable?"

"Right now, only refinaries and smithies can be used."

"I have already activated one energy bot for 500 energy stones. It will be refining the two thousand raw energy stones. It should be completed in four hours."

Ray gave out an 'oh' sound and asked another question. "Since the Sky Devil is too advanced, can you perhaps scan the layout of the city?"

Void smiled and said. "Actually, one of my main bodies was destroyed." Ray nodded as he pondered. Void continued "Thus, I got connected with the City of Night and made it my final main body."

As Void's voice fell, a 3D model of the City of Night popped up on the main screen. Ray looked at the model and felt that the city was carefully planned. There were many areas that although looked ordinary but were extremely important.

The most noticable was the circular path that covered the entire city. The soldiers could use it to reinforce any part of the wall easily. Also the path was about ten metres wide which was just perfect.

After checking through this locations, Ray realised that the creator of this city was not as simple as it seems. 'No wonder that black orb brought me here.' He thought.

Ray spent the next hour checking out the city. While Void just sat near him. In this time, Ray realised that there were some flaws as well. Probably because they didn't had such advanced technology when they created the city.

After one hour, Void informed Ray that 500 energy stones were refined and they could start creating equipments since one more energybot could be rebooted.

Ray nodded and asked Void to start immediately. The materials of the equipments were already present in the warehouse of the spaceship. So Ray didn't have to worry about it.

The smithy can create one thousand sets of equipments in just one hour. The reason why it was so fast was that the equipments were just basic ranked.

But one must not look down on these basic equipments because they were comparable to platinum-grade equipments.

Platinum-grade equipments, even those huge empires would only have a few not to mention a whole set.

Ray asked Void to create equipment according to the current military force. Right now, Ray had 1100 soldiers under his command. They were 700 infantry, 300 archers and 100 cavalry. So it should be completed within an hour and half or so.

After ordering the energybots, Void looked at Ray with an expression that says 'Oh, I almost forgot!'

"Well now that you are free, you better cultivate an energy technique. I have one here, left by the previous lord. Also there are three other but you are not yet suitable to use them."

Saying so, Void took out an ancient book out of nowhere and handed it to Ray. Ray took it and looked at the book. It looked a bit old and had a strange type of power circulating it. On it's cover, were three words written in mysterious language. But Ray felt that he could read it. It read.

Primordial Longitivity Art

A notification appeared immediately afterwards.

[Ding! Do you want to learn the 'Primordial Longitivity Art'?]

As Ray selected 'yes', a set of information entered his mind. But most of the information was locked and Ray could only access a small part.

But only this small part was enough to shock Ray to his core. He realised that when this sacred art was cultivated to a high-level, living for a few billion years wouldn't be a pipe dream.

But it has a major flaw. It's upper cap is limited by his current level. Thus, he must first level up to a higher level before he can advance in the Primordial Longitivity Art. Right now, he could only cultivate up to level 5.

In this world, people do not level up by experience points but by cultivating energy through sacred art. Also, the amount of increase in attributes depend on the sacred art that they cultirate.

Since Ray was idle, he decided to cultivate it. He just sat on his throne and his body started to circulate the surrounding energy on it's own. It was as if this very process was carved in his bones.

After five minuter, he heard a notification saying.

[Ding! You have reached level 1 in Primordial Longitivity Art.]

An hour later, Ray finally reached level 5. What surprised him was that each increase in level gave him +10 to all stats as well as five free attribute points. Ray now had a total of 10 free attribute points. He used all on stamina which is a hidden stat.

At the same time, his skill 'Improved Senses' leveled up to 2 as well.

Now, Ray had 20 points in stamina. As for the basic stats, all of them were at 100 points. Which can be compared to an average level 100 player.