Mutated Dragonfly


That was the only thought in Zac's mind when he looked at its stats.

For a level 5 mutated beast, its Attack power was insane. But, looking at its sharp mandibles it made sense. Comparatively, its defense was pretty weak, although he couldn't pierce through it with his pitiful Attack power of 34, every beast has a weak point so he wasn't too worried.

Zac composed himself and looked at his classmates who would all surely die if he did not take action now. He continued,

"As you have seen it's only a level 5 monster, although it looks strong it has a weak defense. If we work together we can surely kill it."

His voice contained strong confidence and made the rest of the classmates somewhat believe him.

Of course, the main reason was that his aura was really fierce and nobody dared to question him.

What they did not know was that even if its defense was low against their pitiful strength it would leave only minor injuries even if they achieved a direct hit on the Mutated Dragonfly.

Zac knew this but did not mention it, he had to raise the morale of the class as much as he could,

One of the girls timidly raised her hand and could not help but ask,

"Do..Do we have to fight? We can just run out of the class..."

Zac glared at the girl fiercely, and spoke in a low voice,

"We don't know what's the situation outside, there might be multiple monsters out there. If the world has really become a game, then killing the Mutated Dragonfly will increase our strength and help us face the dangers outside. Of course, I won't stop anyone from leaving, the choice is yours."

Zac knew that the monsters outside were actually weaker than this Mutated Dragonfly, but did not mention it because he wanted to kill this Mutated Dragon at all costs.

Most of the students were too scared to face the Mutated Dragonfly and tried to leave the class, but just when one of the students reached the door,

"Squeak! Squeak! Squeak!"

A black shadow pounced on him and bit his neck, causing blood to splatter on the floor,

"Aaaahh! Help...."

The rest of the class were terrified by the sudden assailant, it was an overgrown rat even larger the size of a basketball, its sharp teeth were gnawing on the neck of the student and its frenzied eyes were looking at the rest of the students with hunger,

Name: Frenzied Rat

Race: Rat

Trait: Frenzy

Level: 1

HP: 100%

Attack Power: 24

Defense: 13

Zac acted quickly, he moved towards the rat and swung his sword at the Frenzied Rat neck,


There was minimal resistance, blood splattered on his uniform and the Frenzied Rats body was separated from its head. But the Frenzied Rat's head was still stuck on the student's neck, Zac then accurately cut its jaw open and managed to remove the head. Unfortunately, the student was already dead. He closed the door behind him to prevent more of these rats to disturb his plan,

"There are hundreds of such Rats outside, who wants to leave now?"

Nobody replied,

"If you want to survive and not end up like him, everyone should listen to my instructions from now on. I will not say that every one of you will survive but I will show you the path to survival."

The whole class had seen him kill the rat so nobody had any objections,

Zac then arranged everyone in a simple formation, with the Warriors with shields in the front and the rest of the Warriors behind them followed by the long-range attackers at the back. the Mutated Dragonfly was slowly tearing its way through the windows, they would have to face it within a minute.

Zac used the time to read the notification he receive when he killed the Frenzied Rat.

You have slain [Frenzied Rat- Lv. 1]. Bonus experience for killing a monster above your level.

Zac knew he had to kill more of the rats if he wanted to level up. He then walked to the corpse of the Frenzied Rat and touched it.


The corpse was engulfed in grey light and the light formed into a bunch of items next to the corpse.

Zac collected the loot and left the scene, he looked at the Mutated Dragonfly that had almost entered the class while checking his gains,

One of them was a pair of Bracers,

[Frenzied Bracers] (Grey-Common)

Requirements: None

Effect: Strength +5, Endurance +3

Durability: 100%


It was a decent item in the early stages, the only reason he got one was mostly because he was still Lv. 0 and the Frenzied Rat was Lv. 1. With this his Attack Power was 42 which was almost the same as the Mutated Dragonfly's Defense,

He then willed the bracer and it turned into smoke and fit itself on both his arms perfectly,

Not wasting any more time he looked at the other item, a brownish coin,

[Bronze Coin]

Requirements: None

Effect: Currency

Bronze coins would be useful soon, and there was only one so he pocketed it.



The Mutated Dragonfly had entered the classroom, Zac focused and shouted at the Shield Warriors,

"Don't be afraid just keep your shield in front of you and no matter what happens don't let go of your shields I will take care of the rest"

The students nodded their heads,

"Mages! get ready to attack on my command"

The Mages nodded their heads,

The Mutated Dragonfly was impatient from having to chew its way inside and charged towards the Shield Warriors,

"Hold formation!"


The Mutated Dragonfly rammed straight into the formation, thankfully it did not use its mandibles so its Attack power was low and the Warriors were able to handle it. Wilder patted the Hammer wielding youth next to him,

"I'll take out its left eye, you smash the right one"

The burly youth nodded his head,

Zac looked at the Mutated Dragonfly and ordered,

"Crouch now!"

The Shield Warriors crouched down and exposed the Monsters head, Zac did not miss the chance and stabbed his sword accurately into its eye,



The Hammer wielding youth also smashed the other eye,

