Speaking One Way and Thinking Another

Wasn't she Jamie's daughter?

Although Jamie had never seen Dahlia since she was born, Dahlia was her daughter after all. When she sent her daughter away, Jamie cried hard and kissed her tender face again and again.

In the past few years, Jamie had also asked the other party to provide her with photos of Dahlia, but because she was worried about being exposed, Jamie never dared to look at her daughter.

However, Jamie still remembered Dahlia's appearance. In her memories, Dahlia was so well-behaved and beautiful, just like when she was young.

"I'm really sorry, madam. These two children are too naughty. Are you alright?" A servant came over and hurriedly pulled Swedum and Dahlia, apologizing to Jamie.

Jamie stabilized her emotions. She was no longer Mary. She had to end everything with the past.

She was now Jamie, the heir of the Bullock Group!

"It doesn't matter. Take good care of the children."

"Yes, thank you so much."