Charter 3

"Alright kids, Let's start the session!" the woman said clicking a pen against her clipboard.

As if a spell had been lifted all the boys stopped doing their own thing and grabbed a chair to form a circle around her chair.

"Very good now we have a new member of our group with us today, And we will put our best foot forward to show him how we do group here," the woman said in a sweet but stern voice.

"Now let us start by introducing ourselves and saying why we're here, 226 why don't you go first? Suddenly the older boy stood up and wandered over to her seat. She moved out of it and sat in a different chair.

"Alright, Hi my name is Caster and I'm here cuz apparently, A six-year-old shouldn't cuss like a sailor or set fire to garbage cans." Caster said his arms folded in sheer annoyance.

"1.2" the woman called off

Caster got up and returned to his seat, one of the boys that were fighting over peanut butter walked over and sat in it.

"Hi, My name is Benit but y'all can call me BD and I'm here cuz it's apparently unhealthy to fight with you brother to the point of losing teeth," BD said, Rubbing the back of his head while smiling, Flashing them all with a smile that had three missing teeth from it.

"3.6" She called out an agent.

The two swapped seats and glared as they passed one another.

"Hi, my name is Paten but I prefer PD and I'm here for the same reason as my brother." PD said actually illustrating it with hands while saying it.

"346" she called another number.

The ceiling fanboy got up and walked to the chair.

"H-Hi, I-I'm Freddy I'm here cuz panic attack induced mental breakdowns," Freddy said with his knees clenched to his chest as if to feel safe.

"Finally number 1661" she called Nicoli's name, Nicoli slowly stood up and proceeded to sit in the chair.

"Hi, My name is Nicoli and I'm here cuz… cuz…" Nicoli had to think of a reason, he would be afraid of.

" I'm here cuz I ran away from my abusive father… I guess." Nicoli said with sweat dripping down his face.

"They're good, Now to make sure that we learn that this is a safe place. I want you all to try to make friends with your roommates. Every day I want you to write a journal of your progress and how you feel, at the end of this year, I hope you all are the best of friends." the woman said

Nicoli gulped, how was he supposed to become friends with Caster.

"RING, RING, RING" A bell rang in the room.

"That's the lunch bell and remember that the project starts as soon as you leave the room. So you may start by eating lunch with them." the woman said unusually cheerful.

All of us got up, Put up chairs, and walked out to find the lunchroom.

"So, Caster, That's an interesting name. Is it roman?" Nicoli asked to start a conversation.

"Actually it's greek, It's the brightest star in Gemini'' Caster said, Walking toward two swinging doors.

"Wo, that's cool I wish my name was that cool," Nicoli said

"Doesn't Nicula mean victory or something?" Caster asked.

"No, I Mean yes but that's not my name, My name is a fusion of neko and e-coli," Nicoli said sadly

"Wo, that's rough." Caster said pushing his short ashy blond hair out of his face.

They opened the two sliding doors to reveal a large cafeteria with hundreds of tables that each sat about four. Nicoli and Caster got in line to get lunch. The menu said

'Today's lunch skinless lemon chicken, Boiled broccoli, and milk/almond milk.'

"That's an oddly heavy lunch," Nicoli said.

"Yeah, but you won't die of a heart attack here at least." Caster said, Shrugging.

The two got their lunch and sat down at the same table.

'Maybe making friends with Caster wouldn't be so hard' Nicoli thought.