Help from the familiar unknown

(First person view)

Damn it I can't fight anymore, but this is no time to be weak, I'm surrounded by these freaks. Pant pant pant this can't be it, I gotta get out of here and fast.

(Third person view)

Johnny, being in the midst of hollows whom were seemingly ready to pounce on him. Johnny stood back up from the ground but it felt like a struggle, he was too weak to even stand, he was exhausted, filled with fear knowing that he's been drawn to the lions den. Feeling helpless, he still tried to struggle with the hollows, he rushed to battle, attempting to inflict more damage but unfortunately for him it was in vain, he got slapped back onto the ground. Now Johnny was finally on the floor, unable to move his limbs, he just watched as his life was about to come to an end. His whole life flashed before his eyes. The hollows were now at a close distance, they all stared at Johnny with eyes of hunger and savagery.

(First person view)

Tch this can't be it; I can't die here.... I DON'T WANT TO DIE!!.

(Third person view)

The hollows all at once rushed themselves on Johnny, about to pounce on him, while he just watched in horror and fear.

But before they could even land a single hit on him, something attacked them, terminating them. It's like someone sent a large cube to fall on them and crush them. Johnny was surprised, he looked around trying to find where his saviour was.

"This is just not how I was planning my day to go; I really need to get out of this town" Johnny heard a voice that sounded feminine. He tracked the voice coming from behind and he saw a young girl, about the same age as he was. she had magenta hair that she styled into two ponytails, she wore white jeans and a pink hoodie and she held some kind of gun that looked like a toy.

Johnny thought to himself "how did she...? Was she the one that made that cube and what kind of Gun is that?". He sat and observed as the girl fought the hollows, shooting different projectiles from her gun and taking the hollows out. Johnny observed and admired her moves, He believed her moves were somewhat majestic. He wanted to help her but he was still fatigued and then he thought to himself "Naaaah I'm sure she can take care of them, I'm just gonna sit this one out"

A few minutes later, the savage hollows were no more, the girl had defeated them all. Johnny was amazed by this; he had never thought that there were people that had some strange powers except for The Don Kanonji that he usually watched on TV whom could detect evil spirits and defeat them.

"This town just got on a whole new level of crazy or maybe I'm the crazy one" he said to himself as he stood up from the ground, adjusting his uniform, he felt a bit rested but he still needed some more. He approached the girl and said "Hey thanks for your he-", the girl turned and faced him and once Johnny got a closer look at her, he became speechless, he could feel a slight warm feeling on his cheeks but he tried not to show it.

The girl replied "You know you really got some guts trying to fight those things, what the hell were you thinking?" though her words seemed mean, she also thought to herself "This guy reiatsu is off the hook, could he be the one that I traced here?"

Johnny was puzzled, he didn't know what to answer or how to, he could tell her about the girl that he saved but he didn't want to seem cocky, so he just stayed silent avoiding her gaze.

The girl took a glimpse at Johnnys' left arm and noticed the transformation, she thought to herself "Could he be a Fullbringer?", Johnny on the other hand was trying to figure out what next to say to the girl. But He finally decided to introduce himself "Well my name is Hisashi Johnny, nice to meet you" he then took a short bow to show a sign of politeness and respect. The girl replied "I'm Riruka and what's that on your left arm?"

Johnny was expecting a better reply but he thought that it's better than nothing. He answered her question "Oh this? To be honest I don't know what happened, I was so eager to fight those freaks that it just happened, maybe something awakened in me?"

Riruka answered "I have the impression that you're a Fullbringer". Johnny, obviously not having any idea of what a Fullbringer is, he just stared at Riruka puzzled.

Riruka sighed and proceeded to explain "Fullbringers are spiritually aware humans born with the ability of Fullbring which allows us to manipulate the souls that reside in all physical matter. Our powers are constituted by hollow Reiryoku. Those things you fought are called Hollows, basically we acquired our powers from our mothers whom survived a hollow attack before we were born. As a result, some traces of the hollows' power remained in our mothers' bodies then passed on to us at the moment of our birth. As a Fullbringer you're able to perform the full manifestation of a soul which is literally anything, living or non living. Your left arm must be where your fullbring concentrates more power on, interesting. In conclusion you still have a lot to learn Amateur!!"

Johnny had a better understanding with her explanation but he got offended by the last word "Amateur". He replied with a bit of annoyance "Who you calling an Amateur?" and Riruka replied "tch don't try to act tough, you'll just hurt yourself Amateur!!", they both started arguing like cat and dog. Until finally Kisuke arrived at the scene. He Commented "Wow well look at you two, such a lovely couple" while covering his face with his fan

The two take their attention and both shout "Hell no!!" With symphony, it seemed Johnny had lost interest. Kisuke then approached both of them and said "Well it seems you two were pretty busy with the hollows" then Riruka sighed and answered "yeah there's been a lot of disturbances lately, it's possible that it's because of that incident". Johnny on the other hand was puzzled and confused, he pondered about the guy Riruka was talking to, who and what was he.

Kisuke, noticed Johnnys' puzzled look, he then proceeded to introduce myself "how rude of me, I didn't even introduce myself, I'm Urahara Kisuke I own a shop not far from here, I basically have anything you could ask for hehe".

Johnny felt satisfied and then introduced himself. After the formalities, Riruka explained to Kisuke how Johnny might be a Fullbringer and so on.

"Hmm he's a Fullbringer alright but he's going to need training on how to control his powers, especially in terms of Reiatsu" explained Kisuke. Riruka agreed but Johnny did not even understand, it was all happening so fast. Kisuke then continued on to explain "It seems you have a good amount of spiritual pressure but you have to learn on how to keep it under control cause it could be used against you, such as attracting Hollows and so on, if you want I could give you a seal, so you can conceal it".

But Johnny refused, "Don't worry, I prefer to suppress it myself and this really all just too much to take in, I need some time to process" he said, he then checked his phone to check the time and he noticed that he had missed the whole day of school.

"OH SHIT I FORGOT, Sorry guys I gotta go now, I'll make sure to visit your shop Urahara-San, see ya" Johnny said as he made his hand transform back to normal and started running back to school as fast as he could.

"WAIT!!" Exclaimed Riruka "He didn't even tell me goodbye, how rude". Kisuke chuckled and said "He's an interesting fellow but something seems off, it's weird for a normal human like him to have such immense reiatsu.... interesting". Riruka was surprised by Kisukes' analysis about Johnnys' Reiatsu, "Don't you think it's weird? I have never met anyone like him" she asked and Urahara answered "it's possible, that's why I need you to watch him and if possible, train him"

Riruka disagreed immediately "Hell no, why do I have to be his baby sitter?". Urahara answered "Well I guess you're the perfect one for the job, please do it". After a few moments of thinking and considering, Riruka agreed "Fine but you owe me one". "Of course, anything you wish" replied Urahara with a childish smile.

Meanwhile Johnny ran back to school but unfortunately, he arrived on the last period, so he grudgingly returned to class, got his share of scolding from his teacher and returned back home. But while he was walking, he had a lot of things on his mind, the things he saw today, he couldn't believe it. He took a stare at his left arm, wondering about how he got this power called fullbring and he wondered what more he could do with it.

He finally returned to a home where his grandparents were not too happy, they asked him about his absence in school, but Johnny couldn't possibly tell them about his powers, they wouldn't believe him anyway so he had to come up with an excuse. "I didn't feel too comfortable so I decided to hide in the toilet for some time to get back my self esteem", he believed it was a good excuse and fortunately his grandparents, understood and tried to give him some words of encouragement .

After that, he retired to his bedroom and laid on his bed, still thinking about the events of the day and what was going to happen the next. Was this how he was going to live the rest of his life? Fighting these monsters called hollows. "Tch and I thought that I was crazy" he said then sighed.

To be continued...