

"Tch this is starting to get really tiring"

Johnny said as he was still in struggle with the hollow that had appeared in his school compound a few minutes ago. Through the process of battling, he had discovered a new way to utilise his fullbring, a new ability. Nevertheless, Johnny still had a difficulty of defeating the hollow due to its big size and surprisingly its big reflexes but Johnny was not ready to give up, he thought of contacting Riruka for some assistance but he had forgotten his phone in his class.

"Shit, just my luck" he said with an Ironic tone

Johnny proceeded to create another Katana with an energy blast from his fullbring, a much sharper one. This time he was aiming to decapitate it and finally end it, he had to be fast and swift and also put a lot of strength into cutting the hollow; this was his final move and he had to make it count.

"Ok! This time you're going down you big bastard"

With that in a swift motion, Johnny moved quickly as fast as his body and powers would let him, the hollow tried to hit him with its giant arms again but Johnny used the momentum and landed on its right arm and moved towards its neck.

"Take this!"

He shouted, using all his strength and then slashed the neck and then continued cutting until he had reached the other side. The hollow screamed in pain and agony as its head came off from its body and then landed on the ground and in a short moment it finally gave up and died and both its head and body disappeared.

Johnny landed safely to the ground and decided to catch his breath as he was panting hard, his body was very tired having to fight such a large, strong hollow all by himself but in the end, it was worth it, you could say that he saved the day.

"phew now that's over, I gotta get back to class, school should be ending soon" he said and then proceeded to return to his class. Johnny had still not noticed that he was being watched by one of the female students who saw everything; the fight, the way Johnny used his abilities and even the hollow which most people could not see because hollows are like ghosts and spirits. The girl was a member of the martial arts club, she had been informed about Johnny by another student named Ayu who was a fellow club member and also Johnny classmate. The girl was in the same year that they were but she was in a different classroom. Seeing all that had happened she had cooked up a plan to make Johnny join the club.

Sometime later…

School and midterm exams were finally over, some students proceeded to their clubs while the others returned to their homes and Johnny was one of them. He was very tired, and he needed lots of rest. As he walked out of the school gates, he saw a girl approach him.

"Yo Johnny" The girl greeted

He looked at her with curiosity because he had never spoken to her ever since he arrived in this school, he had seen her a couple of times with his classmate Ayu but he had not even exchanged greetings with her before so what could she want now?

"Uum hello…uuh" he greeted back and tried to say her name which he didn't know

"I'm Hanako, if you were wondering… I wanted to talk to you…" the girl replied

"Uum sure…what's up"

"So, you see I'm a member of the martial arts club and we kinda have a lack of members…Ayu told me that you are a skilled fighter, and we would like you to join us…" she said

Johnny sighed at the fact that he was being asked again to join this particular club but his answer still stood, he was not interested in joining.

"Sorry Hanako but I'm not interested…I don't really know where y'all got the impression that I was good at fighting but I'm really not…I gotta go now so see ya" he said, proceeding to walk away but Hanako was not ready to give up just yet and besides she had already planned this.

"Oh I know you can fight cause I've seen you do it…especially against that monster which you fought an hour ago" she said smiling

Johnny stopped at his tracks, shocked to hear what Hanako said. When and how did she see him fighting the hollow, he had the impression that at the time he was fighting, all the students were still inside school building writing their exams. He questioned himself on if Hanako was just spouting nonsense but then again, a normal person wouldn't just say that. Despite being astonished, he tried to keep his cool and act like he didn't know what she was talking about.

"I have no Idea on what you're talking about, I was still in class writing my exams" he replied

Hanako chuckled and replied "You can try to deny it but I video recorded it with my phone… here have a look" she took out her phone and then put on the video she recorded and then revealed it to him.

He didn't want to believe it but she was telling the truth, the video recorded him moving on thin air and fighting something. He understood that Hanako phone was not able to video record the hollow because it was a spirit, but the video still had evidence of him using his powers. He tried to snatch the phone from Hanako but she was quick enough to move it away from his reach and then put it inside her bag. Seeing that he had no way of destroying the evidence, he gave a stern look at her and then asked, "What the hell do you want from me?"

Hanako replied politely "Look I understand that you don't want people to see this but the martial arts club is dying and we really need members and this was my only option..."

"So, you decided to Blackmail me?" he replied with an angry tone

"Don't take it as blackmail… more as a proposal…If you join the club tomorrow then I swear I'll delete the video"

"And if I don't?" he asked

"Then I'll have to do something that you wouldn't like… come on Johnny please, joining the club will be worth it and you'll be doing us a big favour… And you don't need to be alone anymore here because we'll have your back… so what do you say?"

He sighed and replied, "What a fucking drag, you could have done anything else than to stoop so low but fine I'll join your club, but you'll delete that video ok?"

"A promise is a promise" she answered

"Alright I'll register tomorrow"

"Yes…thanks Johnny, I'll go tell the others… see you later!" she said, feeling relieved and satisfied that her plan actually worked.

"Yeah… see ya" he replied and with that the two both went their separate ways.

Some minutes later…

Johnny had arrived at his home. He did the usual thing of greeting his grandparents and then going to his room to rest. As he got to his room, he immediately fell down to his bed but before he could sleep, he heard his phone ringing which he picked up and saw that Riruka was calling him. he proceeded to answer…

Johnny: Hey Riruka

Riruka: Hello… you sound a bit tired…you alright?

J: Well let's just say I had an eventful day… so what's up?

R: I just wanted to tell you that there's a murderer in town…so you should be careful

J: Yeah I heard something about that… you don't need to worry though; I can protect myself even better now with my Fullbring

R: Yes but this murderer can use the power fullbring…

J: What?

R: Yes Yukio, told me about it… there have murder cases in the town and the Victims were all killed in a weird way…

J: Damn…things are getting really messed up now

R: yeah…

J: Alright thanks for the heads up

R: Yeah…I'll talk with you later…bye

J: Bye Riri

Call ended…

Johnny was too tired to think, but he knew that people were in danger because of this murderer, and he expected that one way or another that he and his fullbringer allies will encounter this person, but the question was how strong this person was and what were his abilities.

"Too tired to think now…later…" he said drifting off to sleep

To be continued…