what I thought was the worst day of my life

my day had been normal so far my bullies had bee unusually avoiding me so that gave me some building anxiety but other than that everything is going fine.

"would a Mr. tenner please come to the gymnasium."(female voice)

meekly standing up and quickly leaving the class fast walking the entire way, carefully watching other students shoes in attempts to prevent my own tripping as I was leaving.

safely making it to the hallway I began slowly and nervously making my way to the gym I began feverishly rubbing all my bruises and started having second thoughts on whether or not I really should be going to the gym.

I had only been about 10 feet away from the door, I would've been closer but I purposely slowed down my walk since me going fast in any school hallway was a recipe for disaster, ever since a few years ago school was my hell, and it was a hell I couldn't wait to be rid of, that one thought had motivated me this far it had to be enough to get me through this, right?

about to enter the door way I began to hear the conversations of the occupants of the gym making my blood run cold and my teeth clench tight.

"that tiny creep, how dare he, the second he gets here..."(female voice)

"we don't even know if it's true, we planned on interrogating not beating, poor kid already has enough of that."(sympathetic female voice)

"fuck that kill the rapist."(angry female voice)

"yeah!"(many female voices)

I didnt want to stick around anymore, turning on my heels and bolting with the tiny strength my legs had left I immediately tripped, chipping a tooth and making me cough and wheeze loudly.

*damn my frail body*

"there he is, he's trying to run get im."(angry female voice)

almost a hundred of girls all wearing the schools uniform, a short skirt, thin dress shirt and a small dress jacket, most had thigh high socks but not all of them, me looking at them made them angrier, the first one to reach me kicked my head to the side, breaking my nose and spurting blood onto the floor, and knocking me out.


"quick strip him like he did her."(angry female voice)

"hand me the box cutter."(angry female voice)

"wheres the baseball bat?"(female voice)

"look he's waking up quick get your stuff and get over here."(female voice)


a blow to my gut sent me sputtering awake painstakingly looking around the room, I was cold and my nose was stinging constantly everytime I moved.

"now that he's awake the fun can start."(female voice)

the chair was yanked out from under me and several girls all holding different objects began to circle.

a few began to grab me, holding me down, I was thrashing against them as hard as I could but it wasn't doing anything.

"use the bat."(female voice)

that statement caused me more panic than it would've hearing it somewhere else, a girl circled me and headed behind me, out of my sight due to the others holding me down.

I screamed louder than I ever have in my entire life, I was violently thrashing and squirming, I could feel the blood and the cold metal of the bat, the girl seemed like she was enjoying this, laughing at my reaction to her violently shoving the aluminum bat up my ass.

after what felt like hours the bat was yanked out hard, giving me one last shout of agony before my body relaxed in the puddle of sweat and blood.

the girl took the shit stained bat and walked over to my head, I started to realise what her plan was the closer she got, my begging and pleading had fallen on deaf ears, everyone else looked excited for this, like they were watching the best part of a movie.

the girl wrenched open my jaw and began shoving the thing into my mouth and down my throat, dislocating my jaw and making me throw up, the vomit and shit mixing in my throat and causing even more vomit.

the bat was yanked out and duct tape was placed over the lower remains of my face, my limp jaw was only still attached because they were holding my head down with it facing sideways.

that's when I saw through tear coated eyes the girl with the box cutter walking over, the rest of the girls walked away as she kicked my limp bpdy over, she walked over to my crotch and lowered herself, grabbing my penis she began to use the box cutter, sawing back and forth at the base, I didn't have anything left it had felt like hours since they had started, I had blacked out several times and my body was broken in several places, I was limply and weakly squirming, a low groan sound constantly coming out, I had nearly exploded my vocal cords from the intensity of my screams.

the girl with the box cutter was done, and as a final fuck you to me she walked over, ripped the duct tape off my mouth and shoved my cut off dick into it, this caused laughs from all of the other girls on the room, several began taking photos and happy videos, celebrating.

the final tears I had left ran down the battered remains of my face as my eyes began losing the life in them.

"what is going on here!?!?"(angry female voice)

"were just teaching a pervert a lesson."(female voice)

"the actual person responsible for hurting your friend was just arrested, he plead guilty and confessed everything."(angry female voice)

my half lifeless eyes watched as several cops entered the room before quickly leaving, holding back vomit, I couldn't feel anything anymore and I couldn't really do anything other than slowly wait to die.

the adult woman walked over to me, leaning down and whispering.

"I will not let you die, your father owes me a debt that I plan to make you pay."(female voice)

"you're mine now."(female voice)

that was the last thing I heard as I blurrily watched the girls being handcuffed and their phones being confiscated.

after that my world went black.