end of the cycle

those stirrups did come in handy after all, my ass was in them screaming out in the worst pain I've ever felt, It felt like I was tearing in half, or more accurately stampeded on by an army or herd of thousands.

with just one push out came hundreds, and I mean hundreds of kids, that passive, the one where all creampies result in a kid wasn't lying apparently.

the room was quickly filling with babies and the 4 fish people were utterly useless as my screaming and flowing wave if babies continued, it couldn't have taken more than an hour but it felt like an eternity.

"no more."(Andrea)

"can I go now?"(Andrea)

"yes, yes, you did well."(futa fish girl 1)

"we have an army!"(futa fish girl 2)

*I've had enough of this shit, no more being used, no more of this, I'm fucking done!*

[hidden mission revealed: end a race to change yours back]

*fuck yeah? I'm over this shit*

the room glowed dangerously with magic circles, each one gathering fires and holding them in the circle, the flames condensing, their glow brightening.

the wall of magic circles and fireballs reached its peak glow before I released it all, the violent storm of fire that almost mimicked my hatred of who I was becoming, being ok with being used, fuck that shit I'm ending it here and now.

the original 4 never stood a chance neither did the sea of babies, I felt like I should try to care that I was killing alot of kids but right now I don't care, freeing myself from this was the only thing that mattered, I will have my own life back.

it took minutes for the storm of fire to die down, the pink glow was almost relaxing had it not been for the burnt smell permanently attached to anything remaining in the room, or the floor was a paste like substance that was half conjoined in some areas, I thought melted cheese on nachos for a moment and immediately wanted to throw up, nachos were forever ruined for me.

[hidden mission complete, race change back to succubus, all breeding related passives and changed erased]

I let out a sigh and let myself relax, I didn't even use half of my magic to wipe out hundreds of creatures, it also left me with questions, was I letting myself be used? was it so I wouldn't have to find a purpose for my life? what happens now? do I even know what I want?

wading through the few inch tall organic and bleeding goop, gagging and almost vomiting several times as I made my way to the door, the second i reached it I threw the thing open and stared out, miles and miles of water greeted my view, fucking awesome I have myself an existential crisis, around a hundred or more babies are killed and goopified and I don't know where the hell I am, can this shit get any worse?!

apparently it could, dozens and dozens of police boats swarmed the area, I clothes myself in my signature sweats and threw my hands in the air like a cliche criminal on a crime show, great! something new to deal with.

the second they got close a tazer line was shot at me, which I sidestepped and dodged easily and without much effort, my hands were no longer in the air as they were bus charging dense fireballs, or more accurately lava balls.

I jumped into the air and flapped open my wings, startling even myself, that would've been fucking good to know I could do before some of this shit happened.

I nearly missed the tazer line that went for me, I swerved midair unsteadily to avoid but because I'm apparently an awkward screw up the tazer pine hit the lava balls and exploded both of them, apparently dense magic balls don't like tazers, noted.

I was fine but the ship below me and the police boats in the immediate area were not so fine, the lava quickly solidifying the second it touched water and sinking their boats even faster.

"that went better than I thought it would."(Andrea)

"she's a monster!"(cop)

"hey, hurtful, I have feelings ya know."(Andrea)

the boats started to turn away to flee but I sent a few fireballs to all but one, decimating a few and sending violent ripples and small waves in all directions.

"you will take me to land."(Andrea)

"yes ma'am."(cop)

I hopped out of the air and put my wings away, I stood behind the last cop as he drove and pressed my hands with claws extended around his throat, he got the message.

the boat ride took forever! this shit was so long that I just straight up gave in and let the poor dudes neck go, I did summon a flame golem to watch and threaten him occasionally so I could nap, which felt amazing, I felt a sense of freedom I haven't felt in I'm not sure how long, have I ever really been free? in any sense of the word?

putting my existential crisis on the backburner for the moment I watched the ocean pass by as I leaned somewhat on the side of the boat, the horizon and pure blue surroundings had a way of messing with your perception of time and how far you've traveled, getting lost out here or just being put here in general must be so isolating.

for a moment I felt bad for the 4 weird fish assholes but then remembered that they used me and I was now over that, glad I have to remind myself of my own triumphs how fun.

shaking free from my thoughts it looked like visible time had passed, the dock couldn't be more than 15 feet away and on it the most massive of massive swarms of cops, lights red and blue flashing everywhere, where the hell do these fuckers come from, how are there so many?

"release the hostage."(swat)

"he's not a hostage he was doing me a favor."(Andrea)

"release the hostage and we'll talk."(swat)

"lemme see your boss."(Andrea)

an older man in what could be 50s walked out in front of the swarm with a megaphone, he wasn't using it, didn't need to, we were close enough to talk normally.


I charred both the cop who brought me here and the swat leader, it took nearly instantly ad the pink glow in my eyes reflected in theirs momentarily before disappearing.

"he was doing me a favor, I was lost and he brought me back."(Andrea)

"yes, my apologies, just a misunderstanding."(swat leader)

"have a nice day miss."(cop)

"oh I will."(Andrea)