
{} - Voice of World

[] - Wiseone

"" - speech

'' - mental speech


It has been a few days since I got knocked out and me and Velgrynd are sitting about eating and talking about random things like usual. A pretty average day till we heard.

"VELGRYND I have come to visit." screamed a feminine voice from the entrance to the cave.

"*Groan* It's my sister." complained Velgrynd.

"The Ice Dragon Velzard?"


"Hello Velgrynd it has been a whi.. oh who is this, I didn't know you had guests Velgrynd." says a voice from behind me.

"You did know he was here you would had sensed him." said Velgrynd.

Turning around I see a beautiful girl, with snow white hair tied into twin tails, crystal clear blue eyes like the a frozen lake, pale smooth skin, a tight body with big breasts and a smaller ass, we is wearing a blue and white dress with blue boots and a golden hair band.

"Hi nice to meet you I'm Levi." I say as I offer my hand for a handshake.

Velzard just looks at me then gets a dangerous glint in her eye. Then she smirks and so do I.

"So what is your relationship with my sister?" She asks with a smirk whilst looking at Velgrynd.

"VEELLZZAARRDD" whines Velgrynd.

"We're lovers." I say with a smirk. Whilst Velgrynd looks shocked at what I said Velzard is smirking.

"My, to think my sister found love before me, maybe should take you for myself?" Velzard says whilst looking at me.

"NO! Wait no, I mean we aren't lovers." says Velgrynd whilst looking all flustered.

"My what else could you have mean?" say Velzard whilst looking at Velgrynd. Me well I'm just watching this whole thing.

"Well you know." says Velgrynd whilst looking at her feet.

"Know what?" asked Velzard with a puzzled look.

"....." says Velgrynd in a tiny voice that no one can hear.

"You've got to speak up or no one can hear you." says Velzard

"YOU CAN'T TAKE HIM!!!" screams Velgrynd, then her face goes blood red in shame of what she said and runs out the cave. Meanwhile me and Velzard are just laughing.


"well anyway my name is Velzard, nice to meet you." says Velzard whilst offering her hand for me to shake.

"Yeah nice to meet, like I said I'm Levi." I say whilst shaking her hand.

"How did you even end up here in the first place, not many humans come here?"

"Haha yeah, that is a lonnnggg story." I say whilst a drop of sweat falls from my head.

"Well one thing I have lots of is time, so lets hear it." says Velzard whilst sitting down. Well this is going to be awful.




"HAHA you puked on her, you puked on a True Dragon Hahaha" On the floor is Velzard rolling around holding her stomach laughing after me telling her the story of how I met Velgrynd.

"Hey I know it wasn't my most graceful moment but you don't need to keep going on about it" she has been laughing for five minutes now it is starting to get annoying.

"Sorry, sorry it is just too funny haha" she is still going.

"I'm going to check on Velgrynd" I need to get away from her.

"Try not to puke on her HAHAH" God fucking damn it, I shouldn't had told her that.




I find Velgrynd sitting by a lake looking at the water. I walk over and sit next to her, we both just sit there in silence.

"You know I hate water" says Velgrynd, I just look at her.

"You we were just having like a moment there but you come out with that sort of stuff?" honestly didn't see that coming at all.

"Sorry" she says whilst blushing.

"Anyway why do you hate water?"

"Because I'm the opposite of it, I'm basically fire, and fire and water don't mix" Hmm I guess it makes sense honestly.

"Yeah I can understand that."

"Did you really tell my sister how we met?"

"Haha, yeah." I say whilst scratching my head.

"That was stupid."

"Yeah I know."

And back to silence, great, we usually talk just fine but it is really awkward and tense. Thinking about it I haven't even known her for too long but I think I'm already catching feelings or maybe it's hormones I don't know.

Oh I know what to talk about.

"You know I never did thank you for letting me stay with you."

"It's no problem, I also like having you here" she says whilst smiling.

"Yeah well it means a lot, I've never really had a home and even if it is just a cave. But you know what they say 'Home is not a place, but a person' or something like that" It was something along those lines I can't remember Marvel to well.

"yeah it certainly livens up my days and I also get to eat your food."

"You know I quite like water." She turns to look at me and I lean towards her.

"Well be more precise I like the colour of it." We are pretty much face to face now.


"Well it reminds me of your beautiful blue hair." I lean in she notices my intentions and closes her eyes and I go for the kiss. As our lips are about to touch.


Neither me nor Velgrynd noticed her and we both jumped in fright, it completely ruined the moment. Fucking Velzard. Can it get ant worse.

"By the way I have decided to stay with you guys." Okay it can get worse.


{AN: So Velzard is the second girl most likely the last. Now some may have a problem with this so let me explain my thoughts behind this. First if Velzard goes with Guy like the original that would cause a massive in balance due too Rudra not having Velgrynd. Also In my opinion her and Guys relationship was one sided like in the anime he flirts with Leon infront of her. Just to be clear I ain't hating on Guy. And final point, shes hot.}

{AN2: Sorry if you might think the Velgrynd relationship is progressing fast but it is what it is.}